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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Americans love to live in Mexico!

Americans living in Mexico impacted by US anti-Mexicanism

Mexicans are traditionally a friendly and peace loving people. Relations between Mexicans and the hundreds of thousands of US retirees who reside in Mexico have, in the past, been courteous and respectful. There are signs today, however, that these relations are getting strained due to the rising tide of anti-Mexicanism in the USA. The numerous hate crimes against and murders of undocumented Mexicans north of the border are now becoming common knowledge all across Mexico and some members of Mexican society are beginning to retaliate. The recent burning of the Mexican flag in front of the Mexican consulate in Tucson by hate filled racists became known throughout the Republic of Mexico and has greatly aggravated the situation. Things could get a lot worse.

Mexicans have great kinship with their brethren north of the border. A large percentage of the Mexican population have relatives in Aztlan and elsewhere across the US/Mexico border. There is immense solidarity in Mexico with Mexican immigrants on this side as was demonstrated by the recent "nada gringo" action in support of the May 1st pro-immigrant boycott in the USA.

Presently there are large colonies of US retirees living in some of the most beautiful areas of Mexico like San Miguel de Allende, Cancun and Puerto Vallarta. Many have bought homes or leased land under special Mexican laws that allow them to do so. Mexicans and the government have welcomed these retirees with open arms but as anti-Mexican xenophobes escalate their rhetoric of hate against Mexican immigrants things are beginning to change.

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