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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Meatrix reload!

The Meatrix, una película animada que dura cuatro minutos y parodia a los films de The Matrix, protagonizada por una vaca, un cerdo y un pollo. The Meatrix ha ganado muchos premios, ha sido vista por millones de personas y ha sido aclamada en críticas tanto de la prensa como de los espectadores.

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Power to the People!
25 February 2007 11:18
Consumers' revolt: Power to the people
Consumer militancy erupts as individuals join forces on the internet
to fight back against the state and big business

Published: 23 February 2007


A mass revolt has left the high street banks facing thousands of
claims from customers seeking to claw back some of the £4.75bn levied
annually on charges for overdrafts and bounced cheques. More than one
million forms demanding refunds have been downloaded from a number of
consumer websites. The banks are settling out of court, often paying
£1,000 a time.


While average gas and electricity bills approached £1,000 last year,
a record 4 million householders have dumped their supplier after an
internet-led consumer campaign. British Gas admitted yesterday it
lost 1.1m customers in just 12 months, and two weeks ago slashed gas
bills by 17 per cent and electricity bills by 11 per cent. Other big
suppliers, Powergen and npower, are expected to follow suit.

Road pricing

Plans for road pricing have faced massive public opposition
spearheaded by an internet campaign. In just three months 1.8 million
people have signed an online petition, linked to a new section of the
Downing Street website, launched by a disgruntled motorist from Telford.


From Devon to Inverness, planning applications for superstores are
being thwarted by residents' campaigns orchestrated on the internet.
Tesco scrapped a superstore plan in Darlington last year following
opposition and this week residents sank a Tesco plan for a £130m
retail development in Tolworth, Surrey. Friends of the Earth is co-
ordinating the protests across the country.

Air travel

"Green" travellers are boycotting air travel because of climate
change. Campaigners have staged sit-ins at airports while hundreds of
people have signed up to an online pledge set up by a veteran
environmental campaigner. An estimated 3 per cent of people have
stopped flying to help the environment, while 10 per cent are cutting
back on flights.


A campaign launched by The Independent urging supermarkets to reduce
excessive packaging has prompted a remarkable response. Supermarkets
have had to defend their practices after thousands of readers emailed
examples of environmentally damaging packaging. The campaign gained
widespread public support - a day of action is planned later this
year - and has been backed in an early day motion in the House of

Football tickets

Football fans fed up with paying £50 a time to watch games have
joined forces online to put pressure on clubs to slash prices.
Manchester City fans led a boycott of the club's match at Wigan in
protest at the cost of tickets. Chelsea have announced a freeze on
most ticket prices next year and Bolton promised a 10 per cent cut.

Post Offices

Government proposals to axe 2,500 post offices has prompted an
organised revolt from pensioners and consumer groups across Britain.
The Federation of Subpostmasters and a number of other organisations
have launched online petitions opposing the plan, and a rally was
staged in London on Tuesday to increase the pressure on the
Government to save the post offices from closure.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Apoya el boicot - Support the boycot!

Convocatoria a todos los resistentes:

Se convoca a todos los resistentes a promover un boicot por la visita del traidor a la Democracia, Vicente Fox a las ciudades de Vancouver y Ottawa, en Canada.

Chente Fox y Marthita S., estan programados para la ciudad de Vancouver el dia 8 de Marzo, de 8:30 a 5:30 pm. En la ciudad de Ottawa, se presentaran el dia 6 de Marzo, en el Ottawa Congress Centre.

Tiene planeado impartir una charla sobre liderazgo, el 8 de Marzo, Dia Internacional de la Mujer, que burla para las mujeres en resistencia de Vancouver!!!!

Solicitamos que cada uno de ustedes promueva esta iniciativa en sus blogs y llame y escriba ( una vez por semana y en forma aleatoria), a los siguientes sponsors del evento, potestando por la burla al pueblo de Mexico, por el fraude instrumentado a la voluntad popular, las violaciones a los derechos humanos de los trabajadores mineros de Sicartsa, las mujeres violadas en Atenco, los maltratos, represion, muerte, y detenciones arbitrarias de hombres y mujeres de las comunidades indigenas de Oaxaca.

Justicia para la familia de Brad Will y demas personas asesinadas en Oaxaca!!!

Exigimos justicia, y libertad para todos los prisioneros politicos!!!

Libertad a Flavio Sosa y demas detenidos politicos de las comunidades indigenas de Oaxaca!!!

Fuera y juicio politico a Ulises Ruiz, gobernador de Oaxaca!!!

No mas violaciones a los derechos humanos de los indigenas de Oaxaca, Chiapas y Atenco!!!

Call to: (Llamar por telefono a … )

The Power Within, fundacion de Anthony Robbins,
tel. 1-866-994-2555

The Investors Group, sponsor
tel. 1-866-746-6344

Shared Vision Magazine, sponsor
tel. 1-800-929-0991

BC Business Magazine, sponsor
tel. 1-800-663-0518

The Globe and Mail, sponsor
tel. 1-866-36Globe

Write a letter in English -Enviar cartas en ingles a :

CGA - Certified General Accountants

Taylore Ashile, director Media Relations Enquires,

Barbara Cameron, vipresident, Public Affairs,

Shared Vision (magazine)

Ron Williams, editor

BC Business Magazine

Peter Legge, president publisher

The Globe and Mail (newspaper)

Angus Frame, editor

Jeffrey Simpson, journalist

Edward Greenspan, editor

The Vancouver Courier

Mick Maloney, editor

The Georgia Straight

Monday, February 12, 2007

Video IV Republica