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Friday, November 30, 2007

A million Inmigrant March for Civil Rights in USA!

5/1-3 2008 Washington DC: Calling for La Gran Marcha Nacional 2008, "A Million Immigrant March"
For more info Contact Jesse Díaz, Jr.

Companeros y Companeras:
November 05, 2007

Working collectively with our fellow actors in the Movimiento we have realized drastic actions with tangible results. Last year we marched and buried HR4437, we boycotted and shut down the Empire for 24 hours by flexing our labor and consumer power and killed S2611, or as some of us called it "Sensenbrenner light," and we voted and changed the face of Congress. Still, there is no legalization proposal on the horizon, ICE continues to raid our communities, and local elected officials are attempting to pass draconian measures targeting the livelihood of our people like in Phoenix, AZ. We have reached a point in the Movimiento for renewed collective measures to push forward the current campaign for immigration reform. We can't and won't wait until after the presidential elections! We must centralize our efforts and make our voices heard loud and clear across the country next year.

We have been nothing but short-changed, back stabbed, and sold out by this Congress, and most specifically, by even our own in it who have continued to call for enforcement before legalization. Congress rationalized passing legislation to construct the wall of shame as a first step to immigration reform, and, as we all knew, there is still no mention of a solution for giving 12 million folks citizenship. We need to make our message clear to Congress, especially the Hispanic Caucus that if there is no "citizenship" component to a bill we won't support it. We want the proposals from here on out to include immediate amnesty as the only resolve; they must understand that you don't go to a gunfight armed with a knife, and that they sure as hell should not try to fool us one more time with the so-called "earned citizenship" rhetoric that caused deep and unwarranted divisions among us last year.

When we have marched over the past year and a half, the foremost demand conveyed in both the homemade and printed signs, among the speakers, and in the outreach media such as flyers distributed among the Pueblo, is the demand for full, unconditional, immediate amnesty for the undocumented folks here in the US, and it should be, it is the primary goal of the Movimiento por los Derechos de Inmigrantes. The Pueblo is not silent, the government won't listen. In the recent campaign for a so-called immigration reform, specifically the "grand bargain," Lou Dobbs et al, used the term Amnesty against us, we must not allow this to happen. We as a Movimiento must take back and collectively embrace the term "amnesty." Again, amnesty is not a radical term; it is not an extremist point of view to use this word. Amnesty for many of our people was accomplished once in this country in 1986 and it should be done again because the stakes are much higher now, 12 million undocumented folks are being attacked in low intensity psychological and political warfare. Our people are well aware of this.

Those who are on the fringes of the Movimiento, promote a pathway to citizenship, but that is not the central goal of the Movemiento. Settling for citizenship while working for minimum wages after twenty years and the earning the right to vote is hardly what is best for our people. The Democrat's agenda to institute an "essential worker" program was questionable but surprising to many of us. We have already experienced this debacle. We know guest worker programs spawn corruption and the exploitation of labor and wages for the "authorized worker." This is hardly what is in the best interest of our people. Ask any one of the Ex-Braceros who are still in the struggle for their wages decades later. The Hispanic Caucus must consider our past experience with guest workers, not discount it as mere "Mexican history," to reiterate, this is US history, the country to which they have pledged their allegiance and service. For everything that is sacred in our community we must fight against this unjust proposal to legalize our people qua institutionalized servitude among the working poor.

There was a meeting in DC on October 25th with 4 of the 30 members of the Hispanic Caucus, which was designed to walk us down the little moderate brick road…again. But they didn't. Now it is all about a work visa only, to be renewed every five years, with the only possibility for legalization is when your children turn twenty-one years old and can sponsor you, and according to Luis Gutierrez, the proclaimed champion of immigration rights, "if you have no children, then you should go to the bailes on a Saturday night and…" The rationalization is that "this is what [we] asked for…to stop the raids and division of the families." And, that "we should work together on this legislation because we worked against each other and therefore caused many failures of legislative proposals last year…" To the contrary, we had nothing but victories last year, the proposals that were proposed would have been detrimental to our people, just like the Hispanic Caucus' current proposed legislation, that would only legalize 600,000 parents of the 3.2 million US citizen children, falls considerably short.

Instead, we should look more closely at our own Immigration Blueprint created in Los Angeles in January 2007, under the guidance of Peter Schey, a legal contributor to the IRCA campaign, and at the Sheila Jackson proposal that preceded even HR4437. We simply want a new legalization program that will include the 12 million already here; it is not a radical position, we have passed a legalization program once already in our lifetime, and this time it should not exclude anyone. Then any legislation proposal must raise the visa cap for "future flow workers" to never put us in this position again.

Conditions and Action

For over a year now we have conceived a march on Washington DC, not a regional march, but a national one. We have worked together yet we have worked apart.

The regional efforts were successful last year, without a doubt. This year, the boycott on Primero de Mayo was a mere shadow of the previous; let's face it the conditions were not there yet, but they are here now. El Pueblo marched and some participated in the not selling, buying, going to school, and or not going to work requests- set forth by the handful of boycott promoters- in limited numbers.

Given the conditions now, still no palatable legalization proposal, the continuance of the raids in our communities, the heightened harassment of the undocumented by local legislators- such as in Waukegan, Illinois, where the economic resistance by the Pueblo there has caused stores to shut shop, while forcing other business stakeholders to not support the legislation against their undocumented customers- something must be done among us in the Movimiento , collectively and nationally that will centralize our efforts in the eyes of the political establishment. In the Rio Grande Valle, there is fencing still being proposed to be built along the Texas border, yet the resistance against it even includes the mayor of Brownsville, where he participated in an anti-border wall pachanga there last month and the Movement is alive and well in Texas. In Calexico, there was a No Border encuentro in November 5-11 against the raids and deportation centers, and everyone was invited to come out share space and bring new ideas to the table, this group was attacked by the Migra with teargas and batons, some were arrested.

Other cities around the country are struggling, for instance in Takoma Park, Maryland, the council is attempting to overturn a decades old sanctuary city agreement, also in Dane County, Wisconsin, folks in the Movimiento there support a "county card" that will serve as an viable ID for the undocumented and children, benefiting both groups without a doubt. There were some brothers with these cards in DC the other day. And, let's not overlook the HB1804 struggle in Oklahoma City where the battle has heated up in recent days between pro and anti immigrant groups.

There have been some small but significant victories as well, in Danbury, Connecticut, the council was forced to allow a protest against the collaborative 287g ACCESS program with ICE, in Kansas City, a Judge found that an undocumented brother could not be in violation of probation because he was here unauthorized and sentenced him only to jail, and an Appeals Panel later ruled that although he did come into the country unauthorized, there is no Congressional law that implies if you stay you are doing so unlawfully, it is only the act of "crossing" that violates Federal law, and of course in Hazelton, Pennsylvania, where the proposed plan to publicly and economically marginalize our brothers and sisters was found to be unconstitutional.

In Phoenix, the 287G issue is at the forefront, and many are being unduly affected by the strong-arm of the law there, who continue to take on federal immigration law enforcement with little to no legal or political resistance, our people are leaving the state entirely. In fact at the October 25th meeting in DC, Congressman Luis Gutierrez refused to touch the issue when asked to take on the national issue of 287G as part of a review committee. He said, "I am not going to lie to you, I will not do it." What is the Latino Caucus waiting for? Nevertheless, Gutierrez did offer to go to Arizona in person to denounce the measure. Stay tuned.

There are still issues looming such as the saga of our sister Elvira, and the struggle she has broadened into Mexico, and left behind here in the US, there are many devoted folks that continue to carry the banner of her struggle, a few of which we accompanied on September 12 th in DC. Although a controversial action that alienated some moderate folks from the struggle, I believe the action in the halls of congress on September 12th led by our carnalito Saulito Arellano made a powerful statement; we took the struggle right into the belly of the Beast and their only response was to corner the 100 of us and put us all under arrest. That was powerful! We need to continue going to DC and keeping the pressure on…

In terms of the raids, check points, and deportations, they have been steadily and calculatingly undertaken. ICE officials know that if you were to spread them out and do a little here and a little there, the response would be minimal and regional. Again, we need to centralize our efforts. We have been under low intensity warfare since the spring 2006 mobilizations, the Swift raids (1,297 arrested), in NYC, in Boston, in Little Village Chicago on April 24 th which enraged the community so much it motivated a large outpouring on Chicago streets on May 1st, and most recently in Los Angeles (1,327 arrested), what ICE is calling the largest of them all, and the many more in smaller communities that should not be overlooked. ICE refers to the arrested innocent bystanders as "collateral damage," when they go in for felons, clearly establishing the division of our families as part of the sentence for "harboring" a suspected felon. Part of the local organizing efforts should be to educate our community not to open the doors to ICE without a tangible warrant.

Relative to the raids in Long Island, NYC, and New Jersey, a legal defense campaign has been launched by Andrea Siebert ( sieberta@mail. law.cuny. edu or 347-249-7127) and or Laura Perez ( perezl@mail. law.cuny. edu or 718-207-8080) at CUNY School of Law, in an effort to find representation for those that are being held in Houston, Texas; this is a vitally important struggle.

Appallingly, the President has the power and authority to stop the raids and yet sought to beef up workplace "enforcement," the Supreme Court has had the power to impose an injunction on the inhumane raids- and on that note, kudos to the district court that has stalled the no match letter conundrum and the AFL-CIO and others who brought the issue to it- yet ICE continues separating our families as Congress sits vacuously silent and many of our people seek refuge, or voluntary confinement, in churches around the country. The establishment is draining us, and has given us no other alternative but to march and rally on their doorstep in mass, and fill the halls of Congress with our people lobbying for immediate legalization.

La Gran Marcha Nacional 2008, "A Million Immigrant March"

The rumor is true; a group of us have submitted and received permission to march on the Capitol next May 1 st through 3rd. We cannot do this alone; we need everyone's ideas, help, and access to resources. We need all organizers nationally to help build the infrastructure for this event for the Pueblo to come and partake in the right to assemble and more importantly to be recognized as being a part of the very fabric that holds this country together. By December 11th, we need to have a clear picture of what the action would look like for the meeting with the DC agencies involved, and invite those that can attend the meeting with them and the rest of the organizers for this action from around the country to be there also. Therefore, on December 8 th we will have a meeting in LA to create the program for the event. The major projected events for Thursday through Saturday include, rallies, lobbying, encircle the Capitol, statewide reports, and a marcha. We need organizers from each state to organize the time for their statewide reports, we then will need security volunteers and a group that will coordinate them, another point person to handle first aid, organizers to set-up, break-down, and maintain, therefore we need someone to coordinate that project. The largest assembly on the Hill has been nearly 900,000 individuals against the war, and against reprisals from the establishment, the police, and war supporters; we need to dwarf this number. It can be done; half of us were there in April 2006, "imagine bringing the other half?

To be on the working-group listserve, send emails to granmarchanacional2008@.... Please send ideas, questions, complaints, volunteer capacities, access to a stage, entertainment volunteering or contacts, first aid, tent availability, speakers, etc., to the email address, or come to the first organizing meeting in Los Angeles on December 8 th, at 10 am at the Placita Olvera with further ideas and donations (we have raised $10,000 seed money); there will be places available for you to stay with enough time to prepare. The follow up meeting will be in Chicago in late January, and hopefully the next in the greater DC area.

In the meantime, we encourage you to get endorsements from your organizations, unions, coalitions, churches, home associations, families, immigration agencies, universities and their clubs, associations, groups, etc., and entertainers and media outlets, this will take a great big effort of outreaching, fundraising, and mobilizing, but if everyone pulls their parts in the division of labor, all of our grains of sand will come together to form the beach on which to crash the wave of people that has never been seen before in the history of mass mobilizations to the Capitol.

En solidaridad, and Stay Strong in the Struggle,

Jesse Díaz, Jr., Political Action Committee Chair for La Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, Inland Empire, CA

Gloria Saucedo, Director of La Hermandand Mexicana Nacional, Panorama City, CA

Alicia Flores, La Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, Oxnard, CA
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

e-mail: info@...

New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990

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National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

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ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048

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US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders! Support Immigrant Rights!
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Immigrant Deportation and Detention Alert!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Se quieren quedar con el petroleo, por eso asesinan a dirigentes sociales en zonas petroleras!

Matan a ex diputado del PRD en Tamaulipas:

Foto del Ex diputado del PRD
Aqui la nota

El ex diputado federal del PRD, Juan Antonio Guajardo Anzaldúa, fue asesinado hoy junto con al menos otras cinco personas, cuando salía de una cafetería en el municipio fronterizo de Río Bravo, informó el director de la PME, Amarante Miranda Morato.

Señaló que los hechos ocurrieron alrededor de las 17:30 horas, en el establecimiento ubicado en la calle Aldama, a un lado del Cine Azteca, cuando un grupo de pistoleros dispararon con armas de grueso calibre contra el ex legislador, quien se encontraba acompañado de otras personas. El director de la Policía Ministerial del Estado (PME) indicó que de acuerdo con los primeros reportes, en el lugar también murieron un hermano del ex diputado, dos de sus escoltas, el chofer y otra persona, que hasta el momento no ha sido identificada.Guajardo Anzaldúa se desempeñó también como senador por Tamaulipas y dos veces fue alcalde de Río Bravo, una por el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) y otra por el del Trabajo (PT), y en las pasadas elecciones locales contendió por la presidencia municipal por este último partido.Miranda Morante manifestó que al lugar de los hechos acudieron agentes de diferentes corporaciones, para recabar las evidencias e iniciar las investigaciones para dar con los responsables.

El ex diputado federal asesinado presentó, hace tres semanas, una denuncia ante la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE), luego de que sufrió un atentado en la misma cafetería, al parecer de su propiedad, del que salió ileso.

Condenamos la violencia en contra de los dirigentes sociales y solicitamos se investigue hasta que se encuentre a los culpables!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Solicita Canada Carniceros, quienes le entran?

Requiere Canadá 500 carniceros de Mexico

Busca gobierno federal garantizar colocación segura

TOLUCA, Méx.— Dos nuevas empresas canadienses solicitaron al gobierno mexiquense 500 carniceros experimentados, luego de que en julio pasado se enviaran a los primeros 150 para otra empresa con sueldos que oscilan entre los 14.25 y 21 dólares canadienses la hora.

El Secretario del Trabajo de la administración estatal, Ignacio Rubí Salazar, informó que se trata de dos empacadoras que ante la falta de mano de obra en ese país, decidieron buscar opciones en México para ocupar las plazas que tienen disponibles.

Sin embargo aseguró que las empresas tienen disponibles al menos 500 espacios para carniceros con un alto nivel de experiencia, aunque el único requisito por el que muchos no han sido aceptados es que les piden como nivel mínimo académico la preparatoria.

Cabe destacar que en agosto pasado salieron a Canadá los primeros 150 carniceros reclutados por el gobierno mexiquense con contrato firmado y sueldos de 14.50 dólares canadienses la hora.

Entre los requisitos que se exigen a los carniceros interesados, están tener edad de entre 25 y 40 años cumplidos, preparatoria terminada; casado, físicamente sano, sin atecedentes penales y experiencia en el procesamiento de carnes de uno a dos años.

Los interesados también pueden obtener información en los telefónos ( )276-0935 y 276-0900, extensiones 4771 y 4774.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Serpent and the Sun: Tales of an Aztec apprentice!

Morir como el Pez: por la boca y entre campanas!

Marco Rascón

Lenguas y campanas

Una de las principales libertades que se ejercen en México es la de destruirse a sí mismo, la de tropezarse con los pies propios, enredarse con la lengua y morir como el pez: por la boca.

Los que irrumpieron en Catedral, hoy sujetos a investigación, acusados de provocación, sólo han sido fieles y leales a lo que se ha dicho desde la tribuna desde hace meses y ha sido la característica, fuerza y debilidad de la era lopezobradorista, que ofrece, acusa, insulta, pero es pobre en estrategia y en la forma verbal para construir y razonar el pensamiento y la acción democrática y transformadora.

Ya desde los tiempos de la inauguración de los puentes con sus mensajes a la oligarquía; ya desde los tiempos del desafuero, organizando las primeras rechiflas como bienvenida a sus invitados; ya desde los reclamos por el espacio noticioso que tenía la muerte del Papa; ya desde las acciones presupuestales y patrimoniales de otorgarle recursos millonarios a Norberto Rivera para la Catedral y luego entregarle el terreno adjunto, un mercado público, para la Plaza Mariana en la Basílica de Guadalupe a la jerarquía católica inmobiliaria. Ya desde los tiempos del “cállate chachalaca” y luego los afanes por encontrar los más graves y originales epítetos desde la tribuna mayor de ese movimiento, construido a base a adjetivos y que se sintetiza en insultos y acusaciones contra todo aquel que no se mantuviese en el estado de ira y de delirio que se pregona desde el presídium. Ya desde esos tiempos, la estrategia central era confrontar, irrumpir y no construir.

Los que ahora son acusados de irrumpir en Catedral son los mismos leales que han estado en presentaciones de libros, que estuvieron el 18 de marzo en el Monumento a la Revolución, insultando a Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas y a los asistentes porque hablaron sin permiso y con convicción sobre el petróleo. Son los mismos que estuvieron insultando y declarando visitante no grato a Rodríguez Zapatero, a Lula, a Joan Manuel Serrat y Joaquín Sabina. En todos esas ocasiones, seguramente recibieron felicitaciones de sus dirigentes, y por eso, para ellos la irrupción en Catedral era sólo la extensión de lo que habían venido haciendo desde hace meses, pues en ningún caso hubo la más mínima disculpa o deslinde ni se les dijo que lo que hacían era incorrecto; por el contrario, siempre los felicitaron.

Quientes ingresaron a la Catedral no son provocadores, sino una parte orgánica del discurso y de la visión lopezobradorista, que ha hecho de la falta de salidas e imaginación política, la alternativa del insulto y la lengua fácil.

Ya el pasado 15 de septiembre, para la ceremonia del Grito se les planteó que el Zócalo era de ellos y que se daría el “Grito de los libres” y que se impediría el “del espurio”. Protestar es correcto y muchas veces tiene riesgos, pero cuando se hace esa convocatoria, quien convoca debe estar en la primera línea, en la primera trinchera, haciendo valer su protesta, pero protegiendo con su integridad a los suyos: no fue así, el “presidente legítimo” se fue a un municipio lejano de Oaxaca a dar el Grito, y la posibilidad de que hubiese provocaciones, heridos y hechos graves pudo haberse dado.

En el caso de las campanas, la ignorancia no supo entender y ganar la partida al sonar a júbilo, pues no hay repique que sea burla a menos que hubieran tocado a luto, que no fue el caso. Cuando tocan a misa en la tercera llamada tocan fuerte, y estas mismas campana tocaron en solidaridad con el movimiento estudiantil en 1968 o durante los sismos de 1985. Era para que la oradora hubiera dedicado las campanas a los caídos, a los desaparecidos, a la lucha por democratizar el país, pero no: fueron acusadas de interrumpir su discurso y eso es grave. ¿Se imaginan si han interrumpido a López Obrador? ¡Tumben la torre!

Ya desde el plantón para que el descontento y la ira se fueran por el drenaje de Reforma, en la tribuna la competencia ha sido por quién dice el mayor insulto y levanta la mayor rechifla. Es una interacción de enojos, gozando la derrota, convencidos al máximo de que entre menos sean tienen mayor razón para convertirse en la conciencia nacional. Por eso hoy el “deslinde” tiene escaso margen de credibilidad ante el sistemático autosaboteo de sus actos, en esto que ha sido la labor contrainsurgente de liquidar toda la credibilidad para acabar con toda la fuerza.

Quedémonos con la historia de Daniel Molina, historiador del siglo XIX, quien descubrió que una campana que repicó sola fue condenada por la Inquisición en España a ser despojada de su badajo y exiliada a México para permanecer muda. Ahí estuvo más de un siglo arrumbada en Palacio Nacional hasta que Benito Juárez preguntó por ella y al conocer la historia la mandó fundir para hacer cañones para defender la República contra los invasores.

Hoy quedará para el recuerdo: cuando los “legítimos”, como aquellos inquisidores, sacrificaron a un puñado de los suyos y les dijeron provocadores, no como los juaristas, que con inteligencia hubieran mandado a fundir la campana con una buena lengua para una buena causa.

Monday, November 26, 2007

El IPN y la UNAM, buscan ampliar intercambios con Universidades de Europa y Sudamerica!

Buscan UNAM e IPN intercambio estudiantil con 39 universidades de America Latina y Europa

Lunes 26 de noviembre de 2007

Se pretende que los alumnos puedan obtener un segundo título avalado por la escuela a la que viajen, en América o Europa

El Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) realizan un encuentro con 39 universidades de América Latina y Europa para acordar las bases del intercambio estudiantil de cerca de mil 500 estudiantes de las carreras de arquitectura e ingeniería, y además les permita obtener un segundo título por alguna de esas instituciones.

Al iniciar la Tercera Asamblea General de la Red de Magalhaes, en el IPN, el coordinador general de esa Red, José Manuel Páez, también vicerrector de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, informó que en este principio se trata de un "club de amigos" que busca la mejor formación integral de los jóvenes de las licenciaturas en instituciones que son una "garantía de calidad".

Explicó que como parte de las nuevas tendencias en la formación universitaria en el mundo, los jóvenes universitarios deben realizar estancias educativas por lo menos de un año en otro país, y a través de la formalización de los acuerdos las instituciones puedan garantizar que los estudiantes podrán obtener títulos de dos distintas universidades, si la estancia se prolongó por dos años.

Tanto el Coordinador de la Red como el director del IPN, Enrique Villa Rivera, garantizaron que el costo de los estudios para los estudiantes no se modificará.

"Será el mismo que el de la universidad de origen", por el contrario "les tendremos que dar una beca para cubrir gastos de traslado y hospedaje mientras dure la estancia, incluyendo los gastos médicos", aseguró José Manuel Páez.

El costo de colegiaturas o inscripción en las universidades europeas —de entre 600 y 800 euros al mes— no serán un gasto adicional para los jóvenes mexicanos o latinoamericanos, afirmó.

"Lo que tenemos que hacer es encontrar el patrocinio para otorgar 30 o 40 becas de inicio para iniciar el intercambio entre universidades de Panamá, Venezuela, República Dominicana, Colombia, Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Perú.

Mientras que de Europa participan instituciones de España, Italia, Francia, Bélgica, Alemania, Polonia, Suecia y Finlandia.

Por su parte, el director del Politécnico, Enrique Villa Rivera dijo que uno de los riesgos que se corre en éste tipo de programas es que haya "fuga de cerebros", que los jóvenes decidan quedarse en esos países, sin embargo es un "riesgo que se debe correr", indicó.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

La Verdad sea Dicha, 13 de Noviembre de 2007

Peace activist expulsed from Canada!

778.891.1470 | 778.882.5223 | 604.339.7103

Saturday November 17, 2007


The fight in defence of targeted anti-war and social justice activist Alison Bodine has reached a critical point on the eve of her scheduled November 17th exclusion from Canada.

It has been over 2 months since Alison was harassed as a political activist after border agents found antiwar materials in her car. The political targeting then continued, when she was arrested by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) as she attempted to exit Canada on September 13th.

Currently Alison Bodine is Co-chair, executive committee member and spokesperson of Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) in Vancouver, BC. Her hearing on the false and unjust charge of "misrepresentation" took place on October 11th. The decision was released on October 31st ordering her to leave Canada by November 17th and imposes a 2 year ban from Canada.

Since the October 31st decision the Alison Bodine Defence Committee (ABDC) has pursued all possible legal avenues to have her stay in Canada extended, while continuing to increase support in a political campaign in defence of democratic and human rights.

The government of Canada has denied the applications for Alison to be able to remain in Canada as we fight for a Federal Court review of her case to lift the 2 year ban against her entering Canada.

It is now clear that they are attempting to shut down the case and sweep Alison out of the country because they think that it will halt the campaign for human and democratic rights that has gained so much support and momentum over the last two months. They want to shut up and shut down Alison as an activist as an example to others taking part in opposition to war and occupation, and organizing for peace and social justice.

This fight is not over. We have one more legal possibility for Alison to be able to stay in Canada past November 17th and we urgently need your support. There are less than 24 hours before the exclusion order against Alison is enforced in which the Minister of Citizenship & Immigration Diane Finley can intervene and stop this unjust removal and 2 year banning.

This will only happen with petitions, letters and the continued support of MP's and MLA's, adding to those already received from individuals and organizations including the Hospital Employees Union and NDP MP Libby Davies and others.

Friday November 16th brought positive gains for the defence campaign. At the opening night of the BC New Democratic Party (NDP) convention being held in Vancouver this weekend, Alison was asked to speak from the stage about her urgent case.

Hundreds of NDP delegates from across BC listened as she explained this case of political targeting, harassment and unjust banning from Canada. When Alison finished her speech, the room erupted in applause and a standing ovation. More than 100 people then signed support letters including two more MPs, Penny Priddy and Nathan Cullen.

If Minster Finley does not intervene before midnight on November 17th, then Alison will have to cross back into the United States, and a new stage of the battle will open.

The ABDC will launch a massive campaign starting November 18th demanding "LIFT THE 2 YEAR BAN!" collecting 5,000 - 10,000 or tens of thousands of petition signatures – to expand the support for Alison's case broader and wider than ever before! The ABDC will fight until the Federal Court or Minister Finley reverses this injustice.

Achieving the demand of "LIFT THE 2 YEAR BAN" will effectively negate the original charges against Alison and will ultimately mean a victory against the political frame-up that began more than two months ago. With the ban is lifted, Alison will finally have her full rights to travel between the US and Canada restored.

It doesn't matter what side of the 49th parallel Alison is on, this fight for civil liberties will continue until to achieve victory.

Reversing the exclusion order and the 2 year ban will be a step forward in the struggle to stop the government of Canada from executing their agenda of silence and intimidation against anti-war and social justice activists.

Over the next days, weeks and months the Alison Bodine Defence Committee vows to keep fighting in defence of the civil liberties for all people especially those who are fighting
for justice, humanity and a better world.

"Lift the 2 year Ban and Stop the Removal of Alison Bodine from Canada"

>>>Address your letter to:

The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Fax:(613) 996-9749

Email a copy to:

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Decomiso de remesas en Arizona, acciones colectivas!

Western Union, inesperado aliado en la demanda contra el procurador Terry Goddard

Inician migrantes “acciones colectivas” contra decomiso de remesas en Arizona

Susana González G.

Por medio de “acciones colectivas”, como se denomina en Estados Unidos a las demandas ante tribunales que presentan en conjunto personas afectadas por un mismo problema, miles de migrantes mexicanos tratan de recuperar más de 14 millones de dólares que el gobierno de Arizona decomisó en remesas enviadas a través de Western Union, bajo el argumento de que son fondos que coyotes o polleros obtienen por el tráfico de personas, aseveró Matthew J. Piers, abogado litigante y miembro de la National Association of Consumers Advocates.

Ese decomiso de remesas, dijo, cobra mayor importancia debido al endurecimiento de las medidas antimigrantes en Estados Unidos, como la construcción del muro fronterizo, porque el mayor flujo de mexicanos que cruzan hacia el vecino país se ha recorrido de California y Texas hacia el desierto de Arizona.

“Si el tema de los migrantes es controvertido e incendiario en Estados Unidos, lo es cien veces más en Arizona, donde el procurador Terry Goddard decidió confiscar (el año pasado) envíos de 500 dólares o más que llegan a esa entidad desde otros estados (y de ahí hacia México) porque consideró que provienen de coyotes, pero sin investigar nada”, expuso Piers, quien estuvo en México para participar en el foro Acceso a la justicia para los consumidores a través de acciones colectivas, organizado por la asociación Al Consumidor, Profeco y el ITAM.

Las acciones colectivas, ponderó el litigante, se han convertido en “un vehículo muy efectivo” para que los migrantes en Estados Unidos defiendan sus derechos, porque en su mayoría se trata de “gente pobre, explotada y de las que más se abusa” en ese país.

Pero cuando deciden unirse para defender sus derechos e intereses, destacó, “adquieren un poder” que nunca conseguirían si de manera individual decidieran hacer un reclamo legal, porque los costos de cualquier proceso judicial resultan demasiado elevados.

Antecedente legal

El caso de los decomisos de remesas no es nuevo porque hace más de un año grupos de migrantes, sobre todo de Illinois, se organizaron para demandar en conjunto al procurador Goddard ante un tribunal estatal de Arizona y, con el argumento de que los decomisos violan la Constitución de Estados Unidos, se logró que fueran suspendidos.

“El hecho es que con esa confiscación miles de personas inocentes fueron robadas. Para el procurador los remitentes son culpables porque argumenta que se les informó del decomiso y se les proporcionó un número de teléfono para que reclamaran, pero como contesta un policía que los interroga si están involucrados con pasar droga o personas por la frontera, pues el 90 por ciento de los migrantes que llaman se asustan y cuelgan, ya que son indocumentados”, refirió Piers.

Paradójicamente, a la demanda de los migrantes mexicanos se sumó otra interpuesta por Western Union, la misma empresa que años antes fue sometida a proceso judicial por los altos cobros de comisiones que hacía por el envío de dinero a México, a partir de una acusación hecha por el mismo Piers como representante legal de un grupo de migrantes.

Pero ahora “Western Union se ha convertido en nuestra aliada porque desde aquella demanda legal en su contra, su trato hacia los migrantes ha cambiado mucho porque se ha dado cuenta que son un buen negocio, una mina de oro” –las transferencias de dinero entre México y Estados Unidos representan 10 por ciento de sus operaciones–, destacó Piers, quien es un reconocido abogado en la comunidad latina de Estados Unidos porque además de los casos contra el procurador Goddard y Western Union, participó en la demanda contra los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y de México por la retención de fondos de los mexicanos que participaron en el Programa Bracero en la época de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, proceso que aún no culmina.

No obstante, el abogado que se ha especializado en la defensa de migrantes y consumidores contra los abusos tanto de las autoridades como de grandes empresas, aseguró que también advirtieron a Western Union que podrían volver a demandarla porque no informó a sus clientes que sus depósitos podrían ser confiscados y se aprovechó de ello porque obtuvo ganancias con las remesas.

Líderes migrantes de Mexico crean parlamento independiente!

Demandan en San Lázaro espacios en las cámaras de Diputados y Senadores

Acuerdan líderes de migrantes crear un parlamento permanente en EU

Buscan que el tema sea decisivo en las campañas de los aspirantes a la presidencia

Exigen al Ejecutivo mexicano denunciar la militarización en el trato a indocumentados

José Antonio Román

En una decisión histórica, líderes de migrantes mexicanos acordaron constituir un Parlamento Permanente de Migrantes en Estados Unidos, plural e independiente de gobiernos y partidos políticos de ambos países, con la tarea principal de defender y promover los intereses de los migrantes que viven en ese territorio y ahora enfrentan una “terrible, racista y cruel andanada”.

Aprobado por el pleno del primer Parlamento de Líderes Migrantes Mexicanos que viven en Estados Unidos, que sesionó en el recinto de la Cámara de Diputados, esta nueva entidad será conformada por organizaciones sociales y personas físicas que compartan su objetivo, con representaciones en todo Estados Unidos. Su asamblea constitutiva se realizará en los primeros meses de 2008, tentativamente en Washington.

Además, los líderes mexicanos acordaron pedirle al presidente Felipe Calderón que exija al gobierno estadunidense que “cese la militarización” con la que tratan a los migrantes indocumentados, y que recurra a todos los cuerpos jurídicos internacionales para denunciar las violaciones a los derechos humanos y las muertes en la frontera.

Para cuidar que dicha asamblea constitutiva se realice en el tiempo acordado, ayer mismo se designó a un comité con la representación de organizaciones migrantes con presencia en 28 estados de Estados Unidos.

Las propuestas surgidas de las tres mesas de trabajo que sesionaron en San Lázaro fueron aprobadas por el pleno, luego de superar el rechazo de algunos de los líderes migrantes que también forman parte del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME), vinculado con el gobierno federal.

En su rechazo subyace la idea de que este parlamento permanente termine por reemplazar al IME, organismo que tiene un carácter administrativo y está vinculado con el Ejecutivo federal mexicano como órgano consultor.

Durante el receso para la designación de la comisión que organizará la asamblea constitutiva, la diputada panista Dolores González arremetió contra dicho parlamento. “Doy por clausurado este acto, porque es un show perredista que no voy a tolerar ni a permitir”, dijo ante diputados. Este fue el segundo día en que la legisladora se manifestó contra los trabajos del parlamento migrante.

Varios de los líderes impulsores de la iniciativa explicaron después que los organismos pueden fungir de manera paralela sin ningún problema y ayudando, desde el ámbito de sus facultades, a la comunidad mexicana y migrante en Estados Unidos.

En las tres mesas en que se dividió el trabajo del parlamento hubo infinidad de planteamientos, entre los cuales destacan mayor presencia de líderes migrantes en representaciones legislativas, federales y estatales; mayores recursos a la red de protección consular, una partida especial para la repatriación de los restos de migrantes muertos en la frontera, reducción en las comisiones de empresas que se dedican al envío de remesas, mayores recursos para la atención de la educación de hijos de migrantes, ampliación del programa Tres por Uno, en proyectos sociales, y que el gobierno federal cree un programa de incentivos que facilite la inversión de los migrantes en territorio nacional.

Matiz apartidista

En la ceremonia de clausura de este primer parlamento migrante, el diputado perredista y coordinador general del encuentro, José Jacques Medina, criticó las interpretaciones partidistas a la creación de este nuevo organismo.

“Nos están diciendo aquí que este es un parto forzado, amañado y partidista, que 70 u 80 por ciento de ustedes aquí son partidistas, que pertenecen al PRD o a otro partido. Respondemos que la idea de este parlamento es crear un solo partido, porque PRD, PAN o PRI, nada pueden hacer en territorio estadunidense; pero un partido creado en defensa de nuestra nacionalidad, un partido llamado México es el que estamos tratando de crear aquí. Este congreso está creando ese partido”, dijo en medio de aplausos y gritos: “sin-fron-teras/ sin-fron-teras” y “sí-se-pudo/ sí-se-pudo”.

Uno de los objetivos de este parlamento permanente es influir para que la migración sea tema decisivo en la campaña presidencial en Estados Unidos y no tener que esperar hasta 2009 para hablar sobre el tema con el presidente y congresistas que resulten ganadores en los comicios de noviembre de 2008.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Trailer: Fraude. Mexico 2006

Asistan a ver la pelicula: Fraude. Mexico 2006 de Luis Mandoki!


Ayer, fue un éxito en entrada el estreno nacional de la película Fraude. México 2006, de Luis Mandoki. Ciudadanos de varios estados se reunieron en complejos cinematográficos para invitar al “pueblo” a ver la cinta. Según reportes, en salas de Guadalajara y Monterrey hubo muy buenas entradas y los espacios fueron insuficientes.

En Querétaro, aproximadamente 100 personas se manifestaron a las afueras de Cinépolis para exigir que se exhiba el documental. En Cinemex Parque Delta, en el Distrito Federal, el boletaje se agotó. En Plaza Cuicuilco una de las funciones de la noche fue suspendida con el argumento de que se había ido la luz. Pese a la petición del público, se negaron a reanudarla.

Por medio de cartulinas, integrantes de redes ciudadanas invitaban a ver el documental, “para que tomen conciencia, para que sepan lo que realmente pasó”. En sus espaldas, varios llevaban pegado el cartel promocional y en algunas cartulinas se señalaba a Felipe Calderón como “el espurio”.

En el complejo eran unos 60, pero muy entusiastas. Personal de seguridad les pidió que se retiraran. En la entrada, los vigilantes insistían en que esa era un área privada. La cosa no pasó a mayores y fueron a comprar su boleto para ver Fraude: México 2006.

Mitin en la sala

Entraron a la sala. Ya adentro, al paso de la imágenes, reforzaron lo dicho y gritaron “¡espurio!”, o simplemente chiflaron. “¡Es un honor estar con Obrador!”, se repitió varias veces a lo largo de la función. La sala se convirtió en espacio para un mitin. Ante los gritos en las concentraciones del Zócalo, ellos coreaban.

No obstante, al final de la función, una ejecutiva del cine reclamó a quienes llevaban las cartulinas y les advirtió que pediría que se quitara la cinta, informó Arturo de Molina, de Resistencia Civil Creativa.

El productor de Fraude: México 2006, Federico Arreola, afirmó vía telefónica que debido a la demanda por llenos totales, los gerentes de varios de los complejos en los cuales se exhibe el filme han tenido que cambiarlo de sala, a unas más grandes. Solicitó “paciencia” a las personas de los estados de la República, como en Querétaro, donde protestaron porque la película no se había proyectado. La razón fue el número de copias, pues las proyecciones llegan una o dos semanas después. En esa entidad estará la semana próxima.

Jesús Castillo Sánchez, de profesión obrero, expresó: “En 2006 yo voté por el presidente legítimo de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Creo que Mandoki es un cineasta que no sólo hace películas comerciales, sino que se ha preocupado por el cine social. Hay otra de él que ya vi, Voces inocentes, donde trata la problemática de la guerrilla en Centroamérica. Todo mi reconocimiento a Luis Mandoki, porque me abrió los ojos a un México más consciente.

“Hay gente que hoy es héroe y que en su momento fue criticada, como Hidalgo, Zapata o Villa. Los trataron como bandoleros, e igual López Obrador está encabezando un movimiento de millones de ciudadanos. Por primera vez tengo la oportunidad de manifestarme, por eso estoy aquí”.

Las televisoras nunca quisieron mostrar las pruebas

Rosa María Almanza Venegas, jubilada de la SEP, dijo: “En Televisa y Tv Azteca, los medios vendidos de la derecha, nunca quisieron mostrar estas pruebas. Por otro lado, a mí me gusta mucho el cine. Este es un documental y verlo se hace ligero porque está bien hecho. Yo creo que la gente del gobierno se hace de la vista gorda y van a acabar viendo esta película. Les causa ardor que el pueblo manifieste su descontento.”

Así, en las marquesinas, al lado de otras ofertas de la cartelera, como Leones por corderos, Malos hábitos, Hasta el viento tiene miedo, Hannibal, el origen del mal y La mujer de mis pesadillas, por fin se anuncia Fraude: México 2006. En el Delta, los boletos para la función de las 18:30 se agotaron.

En Querétaro, los inconformes firmaron una lista en la que realizaron la petición formal a la gerencia para que exhiba la cinta.

El trabajo de Luis Mandoki se exhibe en 236 salas cinematográficas del país.

Ver Trailer de la pelicula:

Elvira Arellano en el Parlamento de Migrantes

Elvira Arellano comienza una huelga de hambre

Censuran pasividad oficial en la defensa de indocumentados

Desencuentros por intervención de la michoacana en el Parlamento de Migrantes Mexicanos que viven en EU

José Antonio Román

Severos cuestionamientos a la “pasividad” y el “silencio” del gobierno ante la política antimigrante y “racista” estadunidense se emitieron durante el primer Parlamento de Migrantes Mexicanos que viven en Estados Unidos, instancia que también pidió al Congreso de la Unión asumir una “posición más firme” de respaldo a los connacionales y la defensa de sus derechos.

En la inauguración, realizada en el salón de plenos de la Cámara de Diputados, se guardó un minuto de silencio en memoria de los fallecidos en la frontera norte en su intento por cruzar hacia Estados Unidos, que este año suman casi 400.

Desde tribuna, Elvira Arellano, quien fue deportada luego de permanecer refugiada en una iglesia de Chicago durante más de un año, anunció que ayer mismo iniciaría una huelga de hambre que concluirá el próximo 12 de diciembre, en demanda de que el gobierno del presidente Felipe Calderón actúe de manera decidida en defensa de los migrantes.

Reclamos y rechiflas

Sin embargo, la presencia de Arellano y el uso de la tribuna causó molestia entre algunos líderes migrantes, incluyendo a la diputada panista Dolores González Sánchez, quien pidió la palabra y, también desde tribuna, la tachó de ir en contra de la soberanía del vecino país, que ha sabido respetar a muchos mexicanos, dijo.

Hubo rechiflas y reclamos de otros líderes migrantes, que a gritos pedían bajar a la diputada panista, quien cuenta con doble nacionalidad. La legisladora por Zacatecas dijo que México debe realizar una reforma migratoria y convertirse “en la frontera del norte de América”, pues son muchos los centroamericanos que cruzan territorio nacional para llegar sin documentos a Estados Unidos.

Concluida la ceremonia oficial, los reclamos continuaron al pie de la tribuna. Luis de la Garza y Gino Domeneghi, consejeros del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, criticaron al diputado perredista José Jacques Medina por dar la palabra a Arellano, intervención que no estaba incluida en el programa original, y porque desde su percepción tuvo un uso político partidista. “¡Eso no se vale!”, decían una y otra vez de manera airada.

Al inaugurar el acto, la presidenta de la Mesa Directiva de la Cámara de Diputados, Ruth Zavaleta, rechazó los “argumentos racistas que consideran terrorista al trabajador migrante” y las acciones que, en aras de la seguridad nacional, arremeten en contra de ellos. Comprometió al Congreso a que encuentre normas y leyes que los protejan de abusos e injusticias, pero aclaró que si se trabaja de manera coordinada se obtendrán mejores resultados y propuestas que coadyuven a la solución de los grandes problemas en este tema.

El diputado priísta José Edmundo Martínez, miembro de la comisión organizadora, destacó la importancia del Parlamento, el cual será un “parteaguas” para dar inicio a nuevas acciones que trastoquen las esferas ejecutiva y legislativa, que animen a insistir, impulsar y concretar un acuerdo sustentado en el reconocimiento de ambos países a la necesidad imperante de no seguir soslayando los derechos que legítimamente corresponden a los migrantes.

A su vez, el diputado Jacques Medina señaló que el Legislativo se ha comprometido a hacer modificaciones que sean necesarias para apoyar a los migrantes, dada la dualidad y división que ha tenido el país desde hace varios años.

Elvira Arellano, mientras tanto, pidió al Congreso no sólo escucharlos, sino actuar con firmeza para defenderlos y denunció que por años el gobierno los ha abandonado. “Cuando en Estados Unidos se nos trata como criminales y terroristas nuestro gobierno se ha quedado callado. Cuando deportan a una madre, a un niño o a un trabajador, nuestro gobierno se queda callado”, acusó la michoacana.

Hubo tres mesas de trabajo, con los temas de seguridad nacional, prosperidad y defensa de los derechos adquiridos.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Migrant worker from Poland, tasered and killed in Vancouver!


Is 'excited delirium' at the root of many Taser deaths?

Last Updated November 15, 2007

When police arrived at the Right Spot bar in downtown Moncton on May 5, 2005, Kevin Geldart was already acting combative and violent. The 34-year-old had a history of bipolar disorder and had somehow walked away from the psychiatric unit of a nearby hospital earlier that night.

Geldart was sweating, his pupils were dilated and he seemed to possess superhuman strength. At first, police used pepper spray to try to subdue the six-foot-six, 300-pound man. It didn't work.

Officers then shocked Geldart with a Taser as many as four times. Then four officers pinned him down, tied his feet and cuffed his hands. It was then that the police noticed Geldart had stopped breathing. He was later pronounced dead at Moncton Hospital.

Fast forward to Oct. 14, 2007.

A similar scene, except this time the setting is at the other side of the country — Vancouver International Airport.

Robert Dziekanski had just flown in from Poland and couldn’t speak a word of English. The 40-year-old came to start a new life in Canada with his mother and was waiting in the customs area for her to pick him up.

By 1:00 a.m., he had been waiting more than eight hours. For reasons that are still unclear, he never saw her.

It was at that point that Dziekanski started acting confused and agitated and began throwing around computer equipment. RCMP were called to the scene.

Maureen Taylor reports on the medical discussion over excited delirium (Runs 2:36)

According to an eyewitness video, four officers approached Dziekanski, who stood calmly while talking to them. Dziekanski then walked away and stood by a wall.

Seconds later, a loud crack is heard. Dziekanski is shocked by a Taser, wails and collapses to the ground. The officers kneel on top of him, pinning him down as he struggles. He died minutes later.

In both of these sudden deaths, what's the culprit?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Chiapas is crying too, send them your help!

Send your donations to:
Fray Bar Fundraising Project,

Vancouver City Savings, Branch 26 (Richmond)

Account number: 247551

Vamos Tabasco y Chiapas, si se puede!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Flooding in Tabasco and Chiapas-Nov 2007, Mexico needs your help!

The Canadian economy in shock???

Loonie's grip starting to choke Canadian economy
Eric Beauchesne
CanWest News Service

OTTAWA - Evidence that the powerful dollar's grip is starting to choke the Canadian economy mounted at week's end with worse-than-expected news that the country's trade surplus has shrunk to its lowest level in nearly a decade, and that personal and business bankruptcies are beginning to rise.

Friday's reports are the latest indication, following evidence that the domestic housing market is now cooling as well, that the currency's external assault on the economy is sapping domestic strength as well, prompting at least one forecaster to cut its outlook for overall economic growth next year to less than two per cent.

The loonie closed at $1.0606 US on Friday, down from $1.0684 US the previous day.

"Canada's trade surplus was much weaker than expected in September as exports fell and imports surged in reaction to the sharp appreciation of the Canadian dollar," said Ted Carmichael, economist at investment banker J.P. Morgan.

His comments followed Statistics Canada's report that falling exports and rising imports cut Canada's surplus in the trade of goods to just $2.6 billion in September, the same month that the loonie reached and passed parity with the U.S. dollar.

Exports fell 2.3 per cent to $37.7 billion, the lowest level since October 2006, with only three sectors - auto products, energy products, and consumer goods - recording gains, while imports rose 2.2 per cent to $35.1 billion, led by a reduction in purchases of energy products.

The weaker-than-expected performance suggests the drag on overall economic growth from trade will be a record 8.2 per cent in the third quarter, double J.P. Morgan's previous estimated, Carmichael said.

As a result, it is cutting its forecast for quarterly growth to an annual pace to 1.8 per cent down from 2.2 per cent and its forecast for all of 2008 to 1.9 per cent from 2.1, he added.

The profit squeeze on manufacturing from the strong currency "will be brutal," he said, estimating it could wipe out another 150,000 jobs in the already shrunken sector.

Worries about the impact of the unprecedented strength of the currency - one has to dig back in history to the 1880s to unearth a stronger Canadian dollar - finally sparked an expression of concern at the highest political levels this week, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper conceding that it is presenting "challenges."

At the provincial level, Quebec's premier - who along with Ontario's, has already appealed for interest rates cuts to take some of the upward pressure off the loonie -_called this week for a federal-provincial summit to tackle the issue. Harper, at a news conference Friday, said he hopes to hold a meeting with the premiers by January.

However, a growing number of analysts say the federal government itself has slammed the door on hopes for any quick interest rate relief with its surprising $60 billion tax relief package.

"Given the lack of inflation relief (from the strong dollar), very strong employment growth even after losses in manufacturing, and tax cuts to further stimulate the economy, it seems the bank has really no choice but to stand pat for now," UBS Securities Canada said Friday, echoing comments by other analysts earlier in the week.

However, the loonie, while still only a few cents shy of its modern-day high reached earlier in the week, continued to retreat Friday amid signs that the weakness in the U.S. greenback is starting to improve the trade performance of Canada's largest export market.

The U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly narrowed in September to a more than two year low of $56.5 billion US, as a strong increase in exports outpaced a modest rise in imports.

"It is clear that the U.S. export sector is benefiting from the weaker dollar and resilient global demand," said TD Securities economist Charmaine Buskas. "On balance, this report is a net positive for U.S. growth, and is in line with our expectation that the continued improvement in the U.S. trade deficit will offset some of the deterioration in the housing market."

And that would be good news for Canada as well.

But there's been no improvement in the confidence of American consumers, which according to one major barometer of their mood fell this month to its lowest level since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita smashed into the Gulf coast of the U.S. and sent oil prices soaring, and the second lowest level since the early 1990s recession.

"The current level of confidence is getting dangerously close to the normal threshold of contraction in spending," said National Bank of Canada's Stefane Marion. "The theory that spillover effects from the housing downturn on the all-important consumer sector would be limited is about to face a true test."

CIBC World Markets, meanwhile, pointed to the formation of cracks in the still-strong domestic-side of the Canadian economy, which the Bank of Canada has been counting on to offset the weakness on the trade side and support overall economic growth.

"Quietly, below the radar screen, the number of bankruptcies in Canada is rising," CIBC economist Benjamin Tal noted.

As of September, personal bankruptcies were rising at their fastest pace in three years and business bankruptcies at their fastest rate in nearly six years, the CIBC report said.

And they are likely to rise even faster further down the road, it warned.

"Importantly, these numbers do not catch the impact of the most recent surge in the value of the dollar, a fact that in all likelihood will work to take the number of insolvencies in Canada even higher," it said, suggesting that impact will not be seen until next year but noting that there are already warning signs, such as increases in personal loan writeoffs, although not yet in mortgages.

It forecasts that personal bankruptcies will be up more than five per cent next year from two per cent this year, and that business bankruptcies will also rise to five per cent in 2008, from what was a two-per-cent increase during the first nine months of this year.

Investors, apparently, have also become increasingly worried about the outlook for the economy, sending Canada's benchmark stock index for a triple-digit loss on Friday, to cap what on balance was a losing week for markets.

Tabasco like New Orleans!

Your stories: Mexico flood crisis

Massive floods in southern Mexico have destroyed or damaged the homes of as many as half a million people.

The military has helped to evacuate thousands of people in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas.

BBC News website readers in the Mexico flood area have been giving their accounts of the disaster:


The situation is now very difficult, we don't have water to drink, and half of the population is homeless, the goverment doesn't send enough help.

Four days ago, the neighbours and I helped to put bags of sand to stop the water near to the river, but it didn't work, everything is underwater.

It's a tragedy, most of my friends and family lost everything, they spent 20 years working, and they lost everything in 20 minutes.
Ana Silvia Jiménez, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico


Now that the water is returning to its normal level, new problems are arising.

There are people who already want to return to their homes, even though it is not completly safe to do so, given the tropical weather, and the fact that the water also comes from the sewers and is getting stagnant.

The risk of diseases from water like cholera, dysentery, and those transmitted by mosquitoes, like malaria and dengue fever, is latent.

Thousands are looking for shelter in schools, churches and privately owned houses and busineses, such as party halls or meeting centres. Some of these people have been relocated more than once, for the water at the worst point reached the first shelters.

In the main square, Plaza de Armas, as in other points of the city, people are building plastic structures or "toldos" to protect themselves from the weather.

Although it has happened only in isolated locations, looting and ravaging are a risk, specially now that people will be walking around, unable to return to their homes.

Aid is being sent from all over the country and the world community, yet there are problems in the logistics to get that aid to the victims, especially in the smaller comunities.
Hutzil Pedrero Hernandez, Villahermosa


I live in Teapa, Tabasco. We have spent the last week isolated from Villahermosa.

People who live on the road between Villahermosa and Teapa are suffering from hunger, because they cannot get any food supplies. We need water, please help us.
Gaby, Teapa, Tabasco


My wife's family live in Villahermosa. Cell phone and land line communications are sporadic. Anecdotal evidence from the family would suggest that there are many more deaths than the one so far officially reported. Looting - of businesses for necessities, and private houses for anything else - is apparently widespread.
Michael Wilson, Mexico City


Coatzacoalcos is about 130km from Villahermosa. The city is now a major aid centre for the refugees fleeing Tabasco. Local authorities say just yesterday they expected at least 5,000 people - maybe up to 20,000 during the week. A lot of the families in Coatzacoalcos have strong bounds with people from Tabasco, commerce, familiar bounds, etc. I've lived through earthquakes, hurricanes and other catastrophes but this is by far the most shocking experience of them all.

Me and my family have been helping out with what we can, raising money to buy anything the local shelters need, or directly helping out with the organization of them. Local aid is totally overwhelming. The entire economy of Coatzacoalcos is now driven to the relief of our thousands of guests. Friends, family have been left with nothing but the clothes they came with. Nevertheless the solidarity shown by the citizens of Coatzacoalcos gives us all hope...
Guillermo Chavez Garcia, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz


I live in Mexico City but I want everybody in Tabasco reading this board that we are really working hard to help people in there. Everywhere you go in Mexico City you can see a store, cafeteria, public office, etc., gathering food and supplies from neighbours and then sending them to Tabasco. I just bought some supplies and left them at the local DIF (a government agency in care of children) where five buses were packed with food and stuff and ready to leave.
veronica, Mexico City


As the water supply has now been shut down we had to leave. At noontime today I left with the family of my girlfriend to Coatzalcoalcoz - normally a 2-hour drive that today took 6 hours...

Traffic out of town went very slow but there was no panic. People behaved themselves nicely despite the situation. Still in Villahermosa people were in lines to get gas, water and food and most gas stations if not all are dry. Just outside the city water blocked the road causing the traffic jam. After that traffic went more or less normal.

Outside of Villahermosa you see houses and farmland under water all along the road. Cattle go to higher land and were picked up in trucks. People moved out of their houses and lived virtually on the road that worked as a dam keeping the citizens dry for now. Ironically traffic was stopped again due to a pay road. People are urged to give whatever they can to help yet citizens should still pay and wait to get away from the area. It was opened for free pass later though.

Now we are in Coatzalcoalcoz at a hotel waiting to go to relatives in the morning. We don't know when we will return and latest I heard rumours of vandalism in Villahermosa...
Allan Hansen, Villahermosa, Mexico


I have no words to describe the horrible situation we are facing in Tabasco. Last night me and my family had to flee from the city because our neighbourhood was about to be covered by water. The city was a complete chaos, people was in panic. It was crazy. I just can say that I have never seen something like this before. We lost everything my only hope now is God. I want to say to all the people who are still there that they should flee from the city. Because it is getting worse every day. Save your lives!
Gisela Alberto, Villahermosa, Tabasco


I'm far away from Villa Hermosa, Tabasco and I just want you to know that here in Mexico City we are helping as much as we can, the two main TV networks are collecting water, clothes, food etc. They've been working since 6 am (GMT -6) and they're still working. We feel sorry for them and we wish we could help more. You too can help by asking for food or blankets, which will be necessary because of the low temperatures, and then send them off to Tabasco! We will appreciate all the efforts you make.
Raymundo Nava, Mexico City, DF, MX


Well, what can I say? This is devastating. Yesterday I had to leave my house as the water rose 1.5m in less than 12 hrs. People are shocked, scared. Uncertainty is the key word for everybody. At the moment it is raining, and I can't really describe my feelings, to know it may cause the level of the water to rise more... This is out of our hands.
Alejandra, Villahermosa, Mexico


...Today a national campaign to raise funds for Tabasco state has started. An international campaign (like for the Tsunami, New Orleans, earthquakes etc) would be of great help... The damage caused cannot be calculated just yet...
Carlos, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico


The situation that we are living through is chaotic, there is no electricity, streets are blocked, people are stuck in their houses. We ask for any kind of help - clothes, blankets, food, water. The rivers are overflowing and most of the population is in extreme conditions. Please help us! 80% of families have lost their assets.
Mariana Vazquez Lopez, Villahermosa, Tabasco


I have been living here in Tabasco for the last 4 years I have never seen anything like this. Our house was in one of the first areas to flood and so we moved out leaving everything behind. We joined the people frantically filling sandbags to protect the city centre.

As the light was failing you could hear the shouts of the stranded people from across the river. In that area the water had reached the second floor of the houses and the people were on the roofs screaming to be rescued. Today the sandbags along the river broke and the water has now entered the city centre. The electricity has been cut and the whole city centre is in darkness.

There have been reports that the crocodiles that live in the lagoons around the city have travelled with the water into some residential areas and have taken dogs. People are frantic, families are split up everyone is searching for someone.

Villahermosa is a city united in disaster.
Mark Pius Charlton, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico


Per newscast television: The mayor of Villahermosa city ordered everyone to evacuate the city. This is drastic. The army built up levees with sandbags. Alas! Some people took bags from there back to their homes and the water started flooding in from the places with missing bags.

The trend has been more rain all the way inland, to "Altiplano" (the high-altitude plateau), increasing the rainfall unusually here.

I predict it will be normal as long as the hurricanes are increasing. More inland rain to this semi-arid zone, previously a forest until it was wiped out by grazing, mining needs, urbanization, and loss of diversity.

It seems that people need to go back to building on stilts all along the Gulf Coast.
Marcela Andre Lopez, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico


This situation is not new to us, but it is the worst flooding we've ever had. I've never seen something like this before. Local channel is broadcasting live all day and night long, and it's terrible to see how many people are suffering. Tens of thousands.

I live in a town about 40 mins away from Villahermosa (the state capital). Many people in here lost their home, their things but it isn't as bad as in Villahermosa though. And I'm thankful for that.

Although we're in danger, there's a river behind this town that's about to break and if this happens it will affect us even more. Tabasco is being helped, thanks to all the nice and kind people. But of course, it isn't enough...
Yivania, Cardenas, Tabasco, Mexico.


The worst is still to happen since one of the main dams is nearly to burst and contingencies will be overtaken by the force of water. This is the worst scenario of course, we have run out of shelters for the seven hundred thousand people that are homeless now. We are in need of food, cloth, medicine, purified water and yes boats to rescue those that are still on roofs waiting to be rescued.

Today [1 November] we are celebrating the Day of the Dead and hopefully we won't have as many casualties since the government is making the necessary efforts to put everybody in safe places.
Judith Castaneda Mayo, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico


I arrived in Villahermosa from Campeche yesterday around 6pm, and it was raining lightly. I have barely no Spanish so didn't work out what was going on at first. After I left the bus station and headed into town I did notice that it was pretty quiet and everything seemed to be closed. The corner shop selling buckets and life jackets along with the usual stuff seemed odd.

There were also a fair number of people filling sandbags, and every TV I passed seemed to be showing a press conference with Pres. Calderon. Nevertheless, I made it to my hotel without incident. However, it did begin to dawn on me that things weren't quite right.

I remembered seeing the river looked awfully full when we passed over it on the way into town, and what might have been a park that was full of water. The queues at the supermarket (one of the few shops open - the only other one I noticed was selling menswear) were another sign. And there were more sandbags, and workmen frantically bricking up the bottom 3 feet of doors.

So I returned to the bus station, bought my ticket out for the next morning, patronised a hotdog stand that was literally the only food seller open, and returned to the hotel. Around 10 the power went out, leaving me to find my way to the bathroom with a lighter the desk clerk gave me. It never came back on, although the streetlights stayed lit.

This morning I packed up by natural light and headed out to find that the river had come to just across the street from the hotel. The way to the bus station was clear and the bus left only 20 minutes late. It took a while to get out of town what with the huge traffic jams and flooded streets, and I had a good view of the submerged houses, the river way over its banks, people stuck on roofs, the boats navigating the streets, tops of cars and one man a raft of empty water cooler bottles carefully transporting a cage full of budgies. I got off lightly - it looked like hell, although without any sense of panic.
John Fairweather, London, UK


Traffic flows very slowly out of town. Food should be sufficient for now as the larger supermarkets has local storages. As for my own situation I'm on dry land and many others as well. We don't need to flee the city at this point as the water supply is stable.
Allan Hansen, Villahermosa, Mexico


Jalapa is a town of Tabasco and it has been affected by the floodwater. The bridge that helps us to communicate to Villahermosa has broken and we are not able to leave at the moment. The governor says it will be repaired soon but we can't buy things of food and others...
Angeles Hernandez, Jalapa, Tabasco, Mexico

The Dollar and their forecast!!!

Who's Afraid of a Falling Dollar?

By Mark Weisbrot, AlterNet
Posted on November 8, 2007, Printed on November 9, 2007

What do policy-makers in China, Japan, Argentina, Malaysia, Indonesia, the European Union and many other countries understand that ours don't? It seems they know that if the value of their currencies rises too much, it can hurt their economy. But for a number of reasons it hasn't quite sunk in here.

Which is too bad, because we've lost more than three million manufacturing jobs in the U.S. since 2001, and much if not most of this job loss is due to the dollar being overvalued. This is bad news not only for the people who lost those jobs, but for the tens of millions more whose wages are depressed by the displacement of these workers - and arguably for the nation as a whole, as America's manufacturing base continues its process of "hollowing out."

Perhaps most amazing is that now that the dollar is finally falling - it has dropped by 23 percent against a trade-weighted basket of currencies since February 2002 -- we hear warnings from prominent citizens and government officials that this is something we should be worried about. Just last week, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, reacting to the dollar's recent fall, said that relying on a weaker dollar to boost growth isn't a "sound approach."

"Our objective ought to be to have a strong currency based on sound policy," he said.

On the same day U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said, "I am strongly committed to a strong dollar."

Comments like these simply reinforce the popular misunderstanding that a "strong dollar" is good for the country. But an overvalued dollar makes imports artificially cheap, and prices US exports out of foreign markets. If the dollar is 25 percent overvalued, that's the same as putting a tariff of 25 percent on U.S exports, and at the same time giving a 20 percent subsidy to foreign manufacturers exporting to the U.S. market. This handicap has probably had as much impact on the loss of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. as trade agreements such as NAFTA, which were designed to facilitate the movement of US manufacturing to countries with cheap labor and lax environmental regulation.

It is because of many years of overvaluation that we have run up an enormous trade (and current account) deficit, borrowing from the rest of the world at an unsustainable pace. This borrowing will have to slow, and the way this will happen is through an adjustment in the dollar. This will reduce our imports and increase exports. In fact, it appears to be beginning already, as a result of the dollar's decline: Exports of goods rose by a 23 percent annual rate in the third quarter of this year, the fastest such jump since 1989.

That is the purpose of a flexible exchange rate: it adjusts to move your trade back towards balance. Our trade doesn't have to be balanced, but the deficits can't be so large as to pile up an explosive foreign debt.

The alternative to reducing the trade deficit through the dollar falling is to have a serious recession, which reduces spending on imports. This is a much uglier process, and one of the main reasons why the world long ago abandoned the gold standard.

Like most bad policy, there's a conflict of interest underlying the resistance to having the dollar move to a more competitive level. Robert Rubin is now Chairman of Citigroup. (Both Rubin and Paulson are former CEO's of Goldman-Sachs). The big bankers and the financial sector generally do not have much interest in promoting growth and high levels of employment in the domestic economy, and certainly not rising wages. For them, inflation is the only real enemy, since it erodes the value of financial assets. (Rising wages are viewed negatively by these people because wage increases are seen as increasing inflationary pressures).

If you read the business press you might have noticed that when unemployment goes up, the bond market generally rallies. That is a reflection of the financial sector's direct interest in lower inflation and lower wage growth even if it hurts the vast majority of the country. A high, even overvalued, dollar helps hold inflation in check by keeping import prices lower. On the flip side, as the dollar adjusts to a more sustainable level, at least some increase in inflation is inevitable as import prices increase.

Some of our big transnational corporations also like a high dollar because it makes everything they buy overseas - including other companies as well as labor - cheaper for them. And of course for those whose first priority is an affordable vacation in Europe - well they are out of luck when the Euro rises, as it has now, to $1.45.

But for the vast majority of the country, a "strong dollar" is more like a "strong influenza virus" - something to be avoided whenever possible.

Mark Weisbrot is Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan. He is co-author, with Dean Baker, of Social Security: The Phony Crisis (University of Chicago Press, 2000), and has written numerous research papers on economic policy. He is also president of Just Foreign Policy.

La Verdad sea Dicha, del 6 de Noviembre 2007