Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Heading to cross the Sonora desert with a three y.o daugther!
More people are moving to the North!
Heading to cross the desert illegally – with your three-year-old
July 30th, 2007, filed by Robin Emmott
Unable to get in touch with Tim via my sat phone, I can only assume he is all right and has chosen to sleep through the day and the heat of the desert to prepare for his second night’s walk. So I head back across the border back to El Sasabe to meet up with the Mexican government’s border wide migrant protection and rescue organization, Grupos Beta.
Orange-jacketed Beta agent Mario Moreno puts on a pair of sunglasses and fills his dented orange pick-up truck with water, first aid medicines, electrolyte solution powder packets and leaflets warning migrants not to attempt the walk through the desert. His job is to help those who have been turned back by the Border Patrol, give medical assistance and try to dissuade those who are thinking about crossing illegally into Arizona.
I can’t help noticing the truck’s missing headlights and rusty axles, a contrast to the Border Patrol’s shiny white vehicles that roam around the border on the U.S. side.
We head west along muddy dirt trucks, splash through puddles, charge up rutted slopes and slide through the sand. The desert is ostentatiously green and grass is even growing under the mesquite trees.
After an hour’s drive to what feels like the remotest place on earth, we turn through a chicken-wire fence and, surrounded by empty water bottles, tin cans, broken shoes, some hungry pigs and bits of rotting food, we come across dozens of undocumented migrants waiting for nightfall to cross.
There I meet Veronica Cruz, a Mexico City-resident preparing to walk the desert with her three-year-old daughter Evelyn. Little Evelyn lies asleep on a dirty wooden table in her pink socks and tiny denim jacket. They have run out of food and water after walking for eight hours to get to this farm, where migrants believe they have more chance of getting across unnoticed than from El Sasabe. I cannot help but think of my own two-year-old boy and how fragile young children are. Veronica has a cold from last night’s rains. She thinks it is only a four-hour-walk across the desert.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Residentes permanentes y temporales en Canada, al 2006
(Facts and Figures 2006: Immigration Overview – Permanent and Temporary Residents)
Por Alejandro Segura Loarte
Julio 27, 2007
Número de inmigrantes en Canadá. La información correspondiente a los residentes permanentes fue tomada del Sistema de Datos de Residentes Permanentes (Permanent Resident Data System – PRDS) y comprende cuatro categorías migratorias: clase familiar (sponshorships), inmigrantes económicos (skilled workers, inmigrantes por negocios), refugiados (aceptados: convention refugees) y otros inmigrantes.
Por su lado, la información de los residentes temporales fue tomada del Sistema de Datos Basado en el Cliente (Client-Based Data System – CBDS) y comprende cuatro categorías: trabajadores extranjeros, estudiantes internacionales, casos humanitarios (que incluye a los solicitantes de refugio y a los que han pedido residencia por razones humanitarias y de compasión) y otros casos.
Estas estadísticas recogen información bastante interesante para la comunidad Hispanoamericana residente en Canadá, según como se los comentaré a continuación.
Para el año 2006, Canadá habría aceptado un total de 251,649 residentes permanentes (equivalente al 0.8% del total poblacional del Canadá). 70,508 habrían sido de la clase familiar; 138,257 de la clase económica; 32,492 refugiados aceptados; 10,382 considerados otros inmigrantes; y, 10 bajo ninguna de las categorías antes mencionadas.
Los países de Centroamérica y América del Sur, en su conjunto, habrían aportado 48,604 residentes permanentes el pasado año en su totalidad. Cifra bastante baja si la comparamos al número puesto por China y el Pacífico en el mismo periodo (252,948 residentes permanentes).
Colombia se encuentra dentro de los 10 países que más residentes permanentes habrían puesto en Canadá; encontrándose en la novena posición con 5,813 residentes permanentes, lo cual guarda relación con el número de ciudadanos Colombianos que solicitaron refugio y fueron aceptados. A continuación -a nivel de los países hispanoamericanos- siguen México con 2,830 residentes permanentes; Perú con 1,479; Venezuela con 1,221; Brasil con 1,209; Cuba con 1,045; Argentina con 894 y El Salvador con 421.
Respecto a los residentes temporales en el 2006, se habrían registrado a un total de 202,637 personas, de las cuales 77,533 habrían sido trabajadores extranjeros; 30,498 estudiantes internacionales; 31,292 solicitantes de refugio; 2,392 casos humanitarios; y, 60,922 otros casos.
México se encuentra en la lista de los 10 países que han colocado más trabajadores extranjeros en Canadá; ocupando la segunda posición a nivel mundial con 13,933 personas. En el rubro de estudiantes internacionales de Hispanoamérica, México habría colocado 2,419 personas; Brasil 1,068 y Colombia 404. En lo que respecta a la población humanitaria (solicitantes de refugio y casos humanitarios) de origen hispano, México ocupa la primera posición a nivel mundial con 4,678 personas; seguido por Colombia con 952; Perú con 135; Costa Rica con 35; y Argentina con 30.
A través de estos números se puede apreciar que Colombia ha sufrido una baja significativa en cuando al número de peticionantes de refugio, esto debido esencialmente a la restricción de solicitar refugio en Canadá cruzando la frontera desde los Estados Unidos de América por la implementación del Acuerdo del Tercer País Seguro. Sin embargo, México habría incrementado el número de sus peticionantes de refugio esencialmente por el no requerimiento de visa para ingresar al Canadá.
Asimismo, se advierte a través de estas estadísticas que México estaría empezando a explorar la posibilidad de migrar al Canadá mediante un permiso de trabajo como trabajador extranjero.
Indocumentados reciben nueva ayuda, congratulations!
Conocida como la Elm City Resident Card, la tarjeta puede ser pedida por todos los ciudadanos de New Haven, unos 125 mil, incluidos –y esta es la novedad- los inmigrantes indocumentados.
New Haven, Connecticut. La respuesta de los inmigrantes indocumentados que residen en New Haven a la iniciativa de su alcalde, John DeStefano, de entregarles una tarjeta oficial de identificación ha sido masiva, mucho mayor de lo esperado.
“Estoy muy sorprendido por el número de gente que se ha acercado hasta el ayuntamiento a pedirlas, por la urgencia que tenían de algo así”, dijo el alcalde.
El pasado jueves, por ejemplo, unas 400 personas pasaron la noche a las afueras del consistorio para asegurarse un buen turno. “Nos hemos visto un poco desbordados”, señalaron los funcionarios encargados del programa.
La espera media es de unas seis horas, que los indocumentados aguantan con resignación pero con buena cara. “Vale la pena estar aquí todo el día, es algo muy importante para nosotros”, declaró una madre con su bebé en brazos.
Sin querer dar su nombre, esta mujer de unos 35 años originaria de Tlaxcala, lleva cinco años residiendo en New Haven sin papeles y será una de las beneficiadas de la nueva tarjeta de identificación que el ayuntamiento comenzó a tramitar el pasado martes.
Desde entonces, se han dado ya 150 tarjetas y se han procesado más de mil solicitudes. La iniciativa es la primera de este tipo en todo el país, lo que aviva más el encendido debate sobre la reforma migratoria que sigue estancada en el Congreso.
Conocida oficialmente como la Elm City Resident Card, la tarjeta puede ser pedida por todos los ciudadanos de New Haven, unos 125 mil, incluidos –y esta es la novedad- los inmigrantes indocumentados, entre 10 mil y 12 mil, en su mayoría latinoamericanos.
Lo único que tienen que hacer es rellenar un simple formulario con datos básicos, hacerse una foto, presentar una prueba de identidad, como el pasaporte, y otra que demuestre su residencia, como un recibo de teléfono o de luz.
En dos o tres semanas (el plazo de tres días previsto inicialmente se ha visto desbordado por la alta demanda) reciben el nuevo “ID”, tras pagar 10 dólares los adultos y cinco los menores.
Esto les valdrá para contar con una identificación oficial expedida por el ayuntamiento de New Haven que, entre otras cosas, les servirá para simplificar trámites como abrir una cuenta bancaria y evitar que la policía les pare en la calle por ir indocumentados.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Watch this video solar kitchen in refugee camps-Darfur!
Students promote Solar energy to solve problems in Darfur!!!
Grass-roots giving for the solar cooker,
donated to women who fled Darfur,
takes root in the US.
Daniel B. Wood
The Christian Science Monitor
26 July 2007
Encino, Calif.
When Harvard law student Jesse Gabriel organized a "Dinner for Darfur"
fundraiser in April, he was amazed that 17 student groups got together
and raised $16,000 in one night.
When nurse Harriet Lavin showed footage of Darfur at a song-and-prayer
evening in Kenosha, Wis., she was struck by the "instant generosity"
of 70 rural residents who opened their pocketbooks to the tune of
$2,500 for a cause they hadn't known anything about.
And when Los Angeles 11th-grader Shelby Layne raised $15,000 from
three jewelry sales to help Darfur refugees, it "was successful beyond
my wildest dreams," she says.
The three activists are among thousands nationwide who have raised
money for a project that addresses the rape, mutilation, and murder of
Darfuri women - now among at least 2 million Sudanese displaced by the
conflict. The aim: Supply families with solar cookers and teach women
in refugee camps new cooking skills so they don't have to burn wood.
This reduces the need for women to hunt for firewood outside the
camps, where the risk of attack and rape is greater.
A recent report by the humanitarian group Refugees International
identified rape as a weapon of systematic ethnic cleansing being used
by Sudanese government-backed janjaweed militiamen. "The raping of
Darfuri women is not sporadic or random, but is inexorably linked to
the systematic destruction of their communities," the report says.
More cookers being distributed
Some 200,000 women and children live in refugee camps across the
border from Sudan. More than 6,000 cookers have been distributed in
the Iridimi refugee camp, a that has almost no vegetation but sunshine
330 days a year. Another 10,000 are expected to be supplied in the
Touloum camp nearby over the next year.
"The fact that the use of these cookers has grown so fast in Iridimi
is a testament to the need for safety," says Rachel Andres, director
of the solar cooker project for Jewish World Watch (JWW), a nonprofit
coalition of synagogues in southern California, which is a cosponsor
of the project.
Two solar cookers can save a ton of wood per year, according to JWW.
They free women from tending fires to do other tasks, and provide
income for female refugees because the cookers are manufactured
on-site. Envision foil-covered cardboard (about four feet by two feet)
folded upward to direct sun's rays on a black pot, placed in the
center, and covered in a plastic bag. Millet, rice, eggs, and other
ingredients are put in the pot, surrounded by the water-moistened
plastic bag that provides softening condensation.
Why project is unique
The solar cooker project is unique in the annals of global aid
efforts, say international aid experts and individual fundraisers.
For one thing, the United States and humanitarian groups have declared
the conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan a genocide. More than
350,000 people have died. Second, the Sudanese government puts
restrictions on humanitarian aid workers, making grass-roots groups
and private donations, especially to those in refugee camps, more
"The Sudanese government is allowing the conditions in the camps to be
one of their main mechanisms of genocide," says Adam Sterling,
executive director of the Sudan Divestment Task Force. "It is the type
of grass-roots efforts like the solar cooker project supported by
private donations that is sustaining [the refugees]."
The idea originated with Rabbi Harold Schulweis and activist/attorney
Janice Kamenir-Reznick, who formed Jewish World Watch in 2004.
Since then, the organization has reached out to major churches and
universities across the US, and says it seeks to "combat genocide"
through community education and activism. So far, $750,000 has been
raised in individual contributions of $30 - the cost of two solar
cookers, training, and two pot holders, which support one family.
"In my 50 years as a rabbi, I have never seen an idea or project or
program ignite so broadly or contagiously," says Mr. Schulweis. "This
has been a moving experience for Jews by uniting different
congregations who usually have their own separate projects ... as well
as for reaching out to other religions. It is an issue that has proven
to transcend denominationalism."
After the JWW identified Darfur as a genocide, it began to support a
small pilot project there led by KoZon, a Dutch organization that
provides women in developing countries with inexpensive cooking
techniques using the sun.
"The women were apprehensive at first, and couldn't believe you could
really cook with the sun," says Ms. Andres. When JWW began to help the
project, KoZon was testing the cookers with about 350 families. (A
typical family consists of one woman as head of the household, two or
three of her own children and one or two orphans, she says. Only 1 in
5 households has an adult male.)
"They tried the food, realized it tasted good, and that you didn't
have to stand over a fire for hours," Andres says. The staples of such
camps are millet, rice, and bean rations that are trucked in from long
distances - and have to be cooked.
Fundraising efforts take off
Once the solar cooker project proved to be feasible, fundraising
efforts spread to purchase the cookers, build manufacturing facilities
on-site in neighboring Chad, and teach women to assemble them.
Shelby, the 11th-grader, heard about the solar cooker project from her
father, and sold jewelry she made by hand or collected from friends
and relatives. "The response by people is an immediate and solemn
recognition about the horrors of racial strife and ethnic cleansing
going on right now, in their own world," she says.
Shelby was motivated to raise money because she thought she could have
an impact - even with a small donation. She now gives talks to school,
civic, and church groups on the Darfur crisis.
"I thought if I just raised $100 and purchased three solar cookers,
then that would really make a big difference for somebody," Shelby
says. "People love the idea that no matter what age they are, how much
money they have, that their small contribution will honestly make a
difference to someone."
To donate:
Jewish World Watch
Solar Cooker Project
16944 Ventura Blvd. Suite 1
Encino, CA 91316
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Migrant each paid 60 to 80,000 U.S!
Group disguised as martial-arts performers
From Globe and Mail / July 12, 2007
BEIJING — China has broken up a human-trafficking ring that was attempting to smuggle 12 Chinese migrants into Canada in the guise of lion dancers and martial-arts performers.
The migrants each paid $60,000 to $80,000 (U.S.) to the snakeheads, the organizers of the smuggling ring, in an effort to enter Canada permanently, according to Chinese media reports yesterday.
Chinese police arrested the 12 people, along with two snakeheads, as they tried to enter Hong Kong at a border crossing in southern China last month. They were planning to travel to Canada from Hong Kong and had already obtained passports and a fraudulent invitation from a Chinese-Canadian man, the reports said.
Canada remains one of the most popular destinations for Chinese migrants, including those who seek to enter illegally, although it has been years since Canada experienced a high-profile case involving boatloads of illegal migrants arriving by sea.
Until a few years ago, Chinese smugglers were charging about $20,000 to $30,000 for each person they smuggled into Canada. But the price has doubled or tripled since then.
In a case in May, a 19-year-old Chinese man paid $65,000 to a smuggling ring in an attempt to enter Canada through Taiwan on a doctored passport.
After a tip by Taiwanese authorities, he was detained by Canadian police as soon as he landed at the Vancouver airport and was put on a plane back to Taiwan.
Both the Taiwan case and the latest case involved migrants from Fujian, a province in southern China with a long history of migration to the West.
A report by the U.S. State Department in 2004 estimated that 15,000 Chinese had entered Canada illegally over the previous decade. Many ended up as prostitutes or indentured workers who spent years repaying their debts to the snakeheads.
In the latest case, the masterminds were a Chinese-Canadian man named Shen, who lived in Toronto, and an unemployed Chinese man named Chen, according to the reports yesterday by a Chinese newspaper and news agency.
In 2005, Mr. Chen came to know Mr. Shen through the Internet. The Toronto man offered to pay 100,000 yuan (about $14,000 Canadian) to Mr. Chen for every worker that he smuggled into Canada. He suggested that the migrants could be hidden inside a cultural performance group.
The 12 migrants from Fujian were recruited by a man nicknamed "the Boss."
After agreeing to pay $60,000 to $80,000 each to the snakeheads, they travelled to Henan province in central China to train as lion dancers and dragon dancers.
Mr. Chen made a deal with a martial-arts master named Feng, who agreed to include the 12 migrants in his martial-arts group. They also obtained help from a Chinese-Canadian man named Zhong, who issued an invitation to the group to travel to Canada for performances.
On June 29, the group flew to Shenzhen in southern China. But when they tried to cross the border to Hong Kong, they were taken into custody.
Under police questioning, the migrants eventually admitted the scheme. They were arrested, along with Mr. Chen and Mr. Feng, Chinese media reported.
Letter from Al Gore!
Live Earth: Our work begins now.
Dear Friend,Thank you! Because of your hard work, millions of personal commitments have been made via the Web and SMS in 178 countries and 35 territories around the world. And our concert was not limited to 7 venues, but instead took place at parties and events in more than 10,000 homes and communities.A decade from now, when people look back on Live Earth, what they will remember isn't what happened during the show -- instead my hope is they remember what happened after. More than 2 billion of us joined together on 7.7.07 and with one voice demanded an end to the climate crisis. We now have the responsibility to carry this movement forward and force our leaders to take action.We need to take the first step today and make sure every single person possible joins us. That's why, right now, I need you to email five of your friends. Ask them to sign the Live Earth Pledge by visiting:All of the actions we take from here on out to solve the climate crisis will be based on a simple premise: our home, Earth, is in danger. We don't risk destroying the planet, but instead risk making it inhospitable for human beings.We have put so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that we have changed the heat balance between Earth and the Sun. And if we don't stop soon, the average temperature will increase to levels that will end the favorable climate balance on which our civilization depends.The world must come together and direct our governments to take on a global challenge. Our leadership is a precondition for success.We need to demonstrate that we have reached the tipping point where political will demands our representatives take action to solve the climate crisis. That's why it's so vital that millions of people sign the Live Earth Pledge.Ask five of your friends to sign the Live Earth pledge today by visiting:The climate crisis offers us the chance to experience what few generations in history have had the privilege of experiencing: a mission; a compelling moral purpose; a shared cause; and the thrill of being forced by circumstances to put aside the pettiness and conflict of politics and to embrace a genuine moral and spiritual challenge.Please email five of your friends right now. Ask them to join us in this cause and sign the Live Earth Pledge today by visiting:Our work begins now.Thank you,Al Gore
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Nissan and Honda stop production in Mexico!
Honda y Nissan paran producción por falta de combustible | ||
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La planta armadora de vehículos Nissan y la de Honda, ubicadas en Aguascalientes y Guadalajara, Jalisco, respectivamente, volvieron a suspender sus actividades este martes, debido a la falta de suministro de gas natural, a consecuencia de explosiones registradas en ductos de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex). En el primero de los casos, Nissan detalló que la suspensión de actividades se dio tan sólo ocho horas después de que el suministro de gas natural se había reanudado —la falta de combustible paralizó las actividades de la planta durante cuatro días. Recordó que desde el pasado jueves, la planta suspendió actividades al quedarse sin gas tras registrarse tres explosiones en un gasoducto, servicio que se había restablecido la noche del lunes y la madrugada del martes, nuevamente se quedaron sin el combustible, por lo que el comité gerencial de la fábrica está reunido para buscar alternativas al uso de gas. |
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Microsoft moves to Vancouver, Canada!
Vancouver, British Columbia office will house international workers caught in immigration tangle.
Nancy Gohring, IDG News Service
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Microsoft Corp. will open a software development office in Vancouver, Canada, later this year, in part as a way to retain talented workers (because many of them are Latinos) who can't stay in the U.S. because of immigration laws.
Software developers from around the world will staff the center, which will allow Microsoft to keep skilled workers who are affected by U.S. immigration issues, the company said in a statement Thursday.
Microsoft, along with other high-tech companies, has been a vocal supporter of legislation that would increase the number of foreign workers allowed to stay in the U.S. Proposed amendments to the current foreign worker regulations were part of a larger controversial immigration bill that stalled in the U.S. Congress last week.
Without new regulations, companies across the country are competing for 65,000 H-1B visas issued each year.
"This is especially a problem for Microsoft because they're so big and doing so much hiring," said Susannah Malarkey, executive director of the Washington Technology Alliance, an association of companies promoting education and an entrepreneurial environment in the state. "If you can't use visas to bring people in, you have to take the jobs to where the people are," she noted.
Companies like Microsoft can "either create a worksite in the country of origin of these people or lose out on them altogether," she said.
In addition to its Redmond headquarters, Microsoft already has development centers in Ireland, Denmark, Israel and North Carolina.
The Vancouver location is in part attractive because of its proximity to Redmond, Microsoft said.
July 1, rally for the democracy!
Thousands rally for Lopez Obrador
Times Staff Writer
July 2, 2007
MEXICO CITY — A year after losing Mexico's presidential election, leftist leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador proved he can still draw a crowd, filling the capital's central square Sunday with tens of thousands of supporters eager for his message of relief and justice for the country's poor.
"The people of Mexico have a heart that is collectivist, free and progressive," Lopez Obrador, 53, said to cheering supporters who waited hours for his 1 p.m. arrival at the city's sprawling Zocalo.
"A year after the election fraud we can say with pride that the right and their allies were mistaken," he added.
"We are still here and will continue, convinced more than ever of the need for an alternative path."
But the turnout was smaller and the enthusiasm more restrained than in the weeks after the July 2, 2006, election, when the crowd spilled from the central plaza into nearby streets.
The charismatic former mayor of Mexico City lost the election to conservative Felipe Calderon by less than half a percentage point, a margin that he and supporters allege was the result of electoral fraud by a coalition of conservative ideologues and big businesses.
Outraged Lopez Obrador supporters camped on the city's main boulevard for weeks last summer. Their demand for a full recount of ballots was refused by electoral judges, who declared Calderon the winner. Calderon took office Dec. 1. As many as a third of Mexicans still believe the election was stolen, according to recent polls.
"What can I tell you? It was a fraud," said Candelaria Chavez Mendez, 65, while waiting for Lopez Obrador to take the stage in front of the National Palace. "They declared the wrong man the winner."
Profesionistas mexicanos emigran a E.U, por falta de oportunidades!
Casi 500 mil profesionistas mexicanos emigraron a EU por una oportunidad
Los destinos del talento nacional son Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Canadá y el vecino país
Por JOSE ANTONIO ROMAN / Diario La Jornada
La población de mexicanos más calificada que reside en Estados Unidos está integra por más de 475 mil profesionales y posgraduados, informó la titular de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), Patricia Espinosa Cantellano.
En un mensaje enviado al encuentro anual de la Red de Talentos Mexicanos en el Exterior, la canciller reconoció que hoy existe una "verdadera lucha global" por atraer a la gente más calificada en todos los sectores de la economía.
No obstante, admitió que son los países más desarrollados los que atraen a los profesionales más capacitados, mediante políticas que identifican claramente a las personas de alto nivel educativo y experiencia laboral más atractiva.
En México, diversas instituciones de educación superior han señalado reiteradamente que en los últimas décadas la emigración de talentos mexicanos a otras naciones ha aumentado de forma exponencial, debido a diversos factores, entre los cuales destaca que aquí no se reconoce la importancia que tienen la ciencia, la tecnología y la educación para cimentar un mejor futuro.
Incluso se ha planteado la necesidad de que el tema se incorpore en las agendas de negociación bilateral y multilateral de los países expulsores de migrantes, que regularmente son los más pobres, y las naciones receptoras, que son las más ricas y desarrolladas, a fin de que se instauren políticas y programas que respondan a este fenómeno que afecta a todos los bloques económicos del mundo.
La cancillería indicó que las naciones a las cuales se exilian los talentos mexicanos son, entre otras, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania y Canadá.
El foro reunió a un grupo de 45 mexicanos que trabajan en los sectores automotriz, de tecnologías de la información y de biotecnología y salud, quienes laboran principalmente en países como Canadá y Estados Unidos.