Third blast at Japan nuclear plant
A quake-stricken nuclear plant in Japan has been hit by a third explosion in four days, amid fears of a meltdown.
The blast occurred at reactor 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which engineers had been trying to stabilize after two other reactors exploded.
The protective chamber around the radioactive core of reactor 2 has been damaged and radiation levels near the plant have risen, officials say.
The crisis was sparked by a 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami on Friday.
Thousands of people are believed to have died, and millions are spending a fourth night without water, food, electricity or gas. More than 500,000 people have been left homeless.
Staff evacuation
A fresh explosion rocked reactor 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant - 250km (155 miles) north-east of Tokyo - in the early hours of Tuesday.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the level of radiation at the plant had "considerably risen" and there was a high risk of radioactive material leaking out.
He added that the last remaining people within a 20km (12 mile) exclusion zone around the plant had to leave, and that those living between 20km and 30km from the site should remain indoors.
Radiation levels around Fukushima for one hour's exposure rose to eight times the legal limit for exposure in one year, said the plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco).
The radiation reading at 0831 local time (2331 GMT) climbed to 8,217 microsieverts an hour from 1,941 about 40 minutes earlier, Tepco said. The annual legal limit is 1,000 microsieverts.
However, officials say that a level of one million microsieverts would be needed to cause widespread radiation sickness.
Mr Kan also said a fire had broken out at the plant's reactor 4, but urged people to remain calm.
On Monday, a hydrogen blast at reactor 3 injured 11 people and destroyed the building surrounding it. That explosion was felt 40km (25 miles) away and sent a huge column of smoke into the air.
It followed a blast at reactor 1 on Saturday.
All explosions have been preceded by cooling system breakdowns. Engineers are trying to prevent meltdowns by flooding the chambers of the nuclear reactors with sea water to cool them down.
After the third explosion, officials said there were fears that the containment vessel housing the reactor may have been damaged.
Higher radiation levels were recorded on Tuesday south of Fukushima, Kyodo news agency reported.
Nearly 185,000 people have been evacuated from a 20km (12 mile) exclusion zone around the plant.
Complete devastation
Meanwhile, four days after the tsunami triggered by the earthquake, the relief operation is continuing.
The latest official death toll stands at about 2,400 - but some estimates suggest 10,000 may have been killed.
People in Minamisanriku fled on Monday amid fears of another tsunami
One of the worst-hit towns, Minamisanriku, is now just a scene of complete devastation, says the BBC's Rachel Harvey.
Everything was flattened by the force of the tsunami, with only the town's hospital and a government building remaining, our correspondent says.
Thousands are still unaccounted for - including hundreds of tourists - while many remote towns and villages have not been reached.
The government has deployed 100,000 troops to lead the aid effort.
They have been given 120,000 blankets, 120,000 bottles of water, tonnes of food, and 111,000 litres (29,000 gallons) of petrol to distribute.
But Hajime Sato, an official in Iwate prefecture, which also took the full force of the disaster, said it had received so far only 10% of the food and other supplies requested from the central government.
"People are surviving on little food and water. Things are simply not coming," he told the Associated Press.
The UK Foreign Office has updated its travel advice to warn against all non-essential travel to Tokyo and north-eastern Japan. British nationals and friends and relatives of those in Japan can contact the Foreign Office on +44(0) 20 7008 0000.
Habilitan centros de acopio para Japón
Aeroméxico y Walmart de México hablilitan un centro de acopio y una cuenta bancaria, respectivamente
Aeroméxico y Walmart de México hablilitaron un centro de acopio y una cuenta bancaria, respectivamente, con el fin de apoyar a las víctimas por el terremoto en Japón.
La aerolínea abrió un centro de acopio de víveres para transportarlos, de manera gratuita, en sus vuelos hacia Narita, Japón, en el cual se recibirán alimentos no perecederos y medicinas de instituciones públicas y privadas, así como del público en general, del 14 al 18 de marzo las 24 horas del día.
Precisó que el centro está ubicado en las instalaciones de Aeromexpress, en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (AICM) , en Avenida Tahel sin número, colonia Peñón de los Baños, enfrente de la zona de aduanas.
Por su parte, Walmart de México abrió la cuenta 00000000 111 'Por Japón' para ofrecer a los mexicanos la posibilidad de realizar donativos financieros para poyar a las víctimas del terremoto ocurrido en la costa oriental de dicho país.
El presidente Ejecutivo y Director General de Walmart de México y Centroamérica, Scot Rank, señaló que al igual que en otras ocasiones, Fundación Walmart de México ha puesto a disposición de sus clientes una cuenta operada por Banco Walmart para quien desee realizar donativos para ayudar a los damnificados en Japón.
La minorista indicó que a partir del 16 de marzo y hasta el 3 de abril, los interesados podrán depositar a partir de un peso en adelante en cualquiera de las 263 sucursales de Banco Walmart en el país.
Igualmente podrán hacerlo a nivel nacional en cualquier línea de cajas dentro de las tiendas de autoservicio Walmart, Bodega Aurrera y Superama; clubes de precio Sam’s; tiendas de ropa Suburbia, restaurantes Vips y El Portón.
Detalló que el dinero recaudado a través de la cuenta bancaria 'Por Japón' será canalizado a la Cruz Roja para apoyar las labores de rescate, alimentación y salud en las zonas afectadas.
Cruz Roja Mexicana abre cuenta en apoyo de Japón
La benemérita institución refiere que debido a daños en la infraestructura carretera, no se pueden enviar alimentos ni agua a esa nación
La Cruz Roja Mexicana abrió una cuenta bancaria para que la población aporte su ayuda económica que se destinará a los damnificados por el terremoto de 9.0 grados Richter y el tsunami que afectaron el viernes a Japón.
El organismo de asistencia humanitaria detalló que debido a los daños en la infraestructura carretera, no se pueden enviar alimentos ni agua a esa nación, por lo que por el momento sólo se recibirá ayuda económica a través de la cuenta de Bancomer numero 0404040406.
Explicó que no se abrirán los centros de acopio con que cuenta en el país, pues debido a la distancia que existe entre Japón y México resultaría demasiado costoso el operativo y además el traslado de la ayuda humanitaria a esa nación sería lento.
Ante ello precisó que la cuenta 'está disponible para apoyar a nuestros hermanos en Japón, quienes resultaron afectados por el terremoto de 9.0 grados en la escala de Richter'.
El organismo indicó que la embajada de Japón en México ha señalado que buena parte de su infraestructura carretera fue severamente dañada, por lo que no es conveniente enviar víveres a las zonas afectadas.
Ante ello, personal diplomático de la embajada de Japón solicitó el apoyo únicamente con equipo y personal especializado para la búsqueda y el rescate de sobrevivientes de entre los escombros, lo que hasta el momento sigue siendo una prioridad.
La Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja es la encargada de hacer el llamamiento internacional para todas las Cruz Roja en el mundo; por el momento no ha habido ninguna autorización de apoyo en víveres.
La Cruz Roja Mexicana informó que envió a Mauricio Pantoja, especialista de búsqueda y rescate en estructuras colapsadas, con dos unidades caninas, Yanka y Luna, que trabajarán de inmediato en el salvamento de personas.
Festejan cumpleaños de Adriana Morlett en CU
Durante la ceremonia en la UNAM, familiares de la joven desaparecida exigieron a sus captores que regresen a la estudiante de Arquitectura sana y salva

Familiares, amigos y compañeros de Adriana Morlett Espinosa se reunieron esta tarde frente a la Rectoría de la UNAM para festejar el cumpleaños 22 de la joven de Arquitectura, quien desapareció hace cinco meses y cuyo paradero aún se desconoce.
En la ceremonia, en la cual los asistentes prendieron veladoras para pedir por la seguridad de Adriana, la familia Morlett Espinosa suplicó a los captores que devuelvan a la joven sana y salva.
"Suplicamos que se apiaden de nosotros, ya fue mucho sufrimiento. La queremos de vuelta", manifestó Adriana Espinosa Ugalde, madre de la joven desaparecida.
Asimismo, solicitó a la sociedad en general que se una a su causa porque significan millones de ojos que ayudarían a su localización.
"Alguien en algún lugar seguramente la ha visto, le pedimos que se comunique al 55548157 o al correo electrónico".
En el acto, el padre de la menor, Javier Morlett, exigió a las autoridades acelerar las investigaciones para localizarla lo más pronto posible.
"El caso de mi hija no es un secuestro, no es homicidio, es una desaparición forzada, lo que significa que mi hija cada segundo corre peligro y cada segundo es vital", expresó el padre que no se ha cansado en más de cinco meses de hacer todo lo posible por encontrarla.
La ceremonia comenzó aproximadamente a las 18:57 horas y en el lugar algunos estudiantes de la UNAM clamaron algunas consignas: "¡Ayer se fue y hoy no hay culpable, eso no es justicia, que pague el responsable!, ¡Viva se la llevaron, viva la queremos!".
A la concentración también se presentaron representantes de organizaciones civiles, así como profesores de la Facultad de Arquitectura.
Las investigaciones del caso de la desaparición de Adriana Morlett están a cargo de la Procuraduría General de la República luego de un acuerdo al que llegó con la Procuraduría capitalina, en que el que consideraron las complejidades del caso y la cobertura nacional de la dependencia, toda vez que exista la posibilidad de que Adriana esté fuera de la ciudad de México.
Last week you received an urgent appeal alert about the arrest of Nativo Lopez, National President of the Mexican American Political Association and the Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana. Well, Nativo was taken into custody by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge George G. Lomeli due to his insistence that Nativo comply with a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation without any reservations or conditions. In the face of repeated threats by the judge to have him remanded into prolonged custody to the Patton State Mental Hospital (up to three years) as an involuntary detainee, Nativo declared that he was prepared to comply with the order of the court, but would do so only under threat, duress, and coercion by the court. He reiterated to the judge that he had already complied with six other such evaluations under threat, duress, and coercion over the past twenty-two months, since the case began in June, 2009, and intended on doing the same with his order.
Judge Lomeli immediately ordered Nativo arrested, and he was taken into custody by two court marshals. This is the third time Nativo has been arrested by a judge in the case. Two other judges similarly denied him his freedom when they claimed that they did not understand the legal terminology he was using and qualified it as nonsense.
After Nativo's arrest Judge Lomeli continued to make comments about the case, made additional court orders regarding the custody; that Nativo would be returned to the court after 15 days, and then again on June 8, 2011; that Nativo would be an involuntary detainee and involuntarily medicated by the hospital - "for his own good." The assigned public defender objected to these orders, and repeatedly stated that Nativo was not a threat to himself or to another; that he was always polite and cordial to the court, never demonstrated or advocated violence or aggressive behavior that would warrant such detention and forced medication. Judge Lomeli ignored the pleas of the public defender, and proceeded to make more comments. Lopez sympathizers and supporters present were completely stunned by the arrogance of Lomeli.
Four hours later, Judge Lomeli returned Nativo to his courtroom from incarceration and apologized to him for the abrupt custody ordered and exclaimed that he had not seen a subsequent psychiatric report disclaiming a previous report to the court questioning Nativo's mental competency, and asked him to return for another psychiatric evaluation and return to the court on April 14th; to which Nativo again affirmed his intention to resereve ALL HIS RIGHTS under the United States Constitution of America, the Uniform Commercial Code, and the corresponding rights and authority under Estate Law in reference to his personal estate - NATIVO LOPEZ, Estate.
Judge Lomeli immediately acknowledged this point for the record, and Nativo bid him a good day after the handcuffs were removed.
The case of Nativo Lopez stems from allegations of voter fraud in 2006 and 2008, when it is alleged that he registered to vote and voted using his office address as a domicile for the purpose of registering to vote and voting in the corresponding election cycles in Los Angeles. For this the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Steve Cooley, filed eight felony charges against him and has ruthlessly pursued the prosecution of the case since June 2009. Nativo has refused all offers presented to him by the D.A.'s office to plead guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for dropping more serious charges. His position is that he is not guilty of the charges lodged at him, and therefore, there is no reason why he should fall on a one felony sword to prevent a full-blown trial.
Nativo was originally represented by reputable legal counsel, but decided after the initial months of the court process to address the criminal charges in an unorthodox manner not commonly attempted in the California judicial system. And, this is what has unnerved the judges, court marshals, court-appointed psychiatrists, county jail sheriffs, and other court officials, and even surprised many of his friends, colleagues, and political activists.
Nativo has decided to not accept an attorney to represent him in the case because by their oath of office and their affiliation with the Bar Association, attorneys are for all intents and purposes officers of the court, and ultimately, loyal first and foremost to the court before their client; and today's attorneys are not taught about Common Law. In fact, under Common Law attorneys are not permitted. The assumption is that the common citizen can defend himself and does not require legal intervenors who are trained by the court and the legal profession.
Nativo has decided to not represent himself in the case because he declares that he is not the legal fiction - ALL CAPS NAME - created by the government and charged by the government in the court documents - THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA VS. NATIVO LOPEZ.
He is a real living man, not a legal fiction. Under common law a legal fiction cannot prosecute a real living man. He has decided to use the common law, which precedes the United States Constitution, and actually precedes the establishment of the republic of the united States of America; contract law; and estate law; to have this case, being prosecuted by a public official representing the legal fiction of the Office of the District Attorney of Los Angeles County, dismissed.
Under Common Law for a crime to actually exist two things are required: one, a living man or woman complainant who has suffered damages to his/her person or property; and two, actual damages to property or person. In the case brought against Nativo Lopez, neither of these criteria exists.
And, this is the case of literally millions of other men and women incarcerated for victimless crimes, and less than victimless crimes based on man-instituted statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, and discretionary authority used and abused by the myriad of public officials who live off the sweat of the brow of the masses of working people of this state and country.
The next court hearing in the case of Nativo Lopez will be April 14, 2011 at the Los Angeles Superior Court, located at 210 W. Temple Street, Dept. 123, Los Angeles, CA 90012 at 9:00 a.m.
The JUSTICE FOR NATIVO COMMITTEE ask that you consider the following:
- 1. Attend the next court hearing to show your support and demand that the case be dismissed;
- 2. Send a letter to Judge George G. Lomeli and to Steve Cooley, Los Angeles District Attorney - see attached form letters;
- 3. Ask Nativo to speak to your group, organization, church, union, or community about the case and the use of Common Law remedies in criminal prosecutions and other civil cases;
- 4. Make a donation to the JUSTICE FOR NATIVO COMMITTEE and send to 900 N. Broadway, Suite 604, Santa Ana, CA 92701
- 5. Send your requests and suggestions to or call
-letters to support Nativo will be post it in the starting Wed night- or call 714-541-0250 to fax you a copy of mail them to you. thank you!
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