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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another mistery for the Science, why in Mexico are dying young people?, and not children, like in USA?, what do you think..?


Hello everysoul!
I was not expecting to send out a new compilation that soon, but there is a sudden and worrying development - the bizarre "swine flu" epidemics that broke out 2 days ago - that warrants immediate networking of this information which I suggest you pass on as quickly as possible to help alert everyone about what is brewing.

I don't want to sound too alarmist, but the thought crossed my mind that IF - as many below claim - this is a man-made, weaponized virus, and IF the US and other governments use this situation to impose a massive vaccination campaign (possibly with a vaccine tainted with the real McCoy mass killer to ensure maximum lethality) and possibly also martial law if things seems to get out of control, then it is VERY likely they will shut down the Internet to prevent information such as this to circulate and warn people against this possible mass extermination plan disguised as a global pandemic. For more on this scenario, I recommend to your attention The Weaponized Flu Pandemic, WPF, Appears to Have Begun and all the other material compiled below.

Depending if this sudden and strange new epidemic fizzles out or develops into a full-fledged global pandemic, this information could turn out to be critically important to know. Let us visualize - and demand! - that "higher up" intervention disables this Cabal ploy, if indeed this is the case here. If you have not heard about this, first go read Deadly new flu breaks out in Mexico, U.S. and Concern grows in Mexico, US over killer flu and What is swine flu? - "The CDC reports that the virus in these latest cases is a never-before-seen mixture of viruses typical among pigs, birds and humans. The influenza A H1N1 virus contains DNA typical to avian, swine and human viruses, including elements from European and Asian swine viruses. Although it's called swine flu, this new strain is not infecting pigs and has never been seen in pigs. - Why would a new strain be worrisome? Epidemiologists have been warning for years that it's just a matter of time before a new strain of the flu emerges that has the potential to kill millions. Flu pandemics have historically occurred about three times per century and the world hasn't seen one 40 years. - If an influenza virus changes and becomes a new strain against which people have little or no immunity -- and this new strain is easily spread from person to person --, many people around the world could become ill and die. The World Health Organization estimates that in the best case scenario, the next pandemic could kill two to seven million people and send tens of millions to hospital. - Is there a vaccine? There is a vaccine available that can be given to pigs to prevent swine influenza. But there is no vaccine to protect humans from swine flu. [[[And yet Mexico City launches massive vaccination campaign against swine flu !!! Is this what the U.S. and other governments will do? Fishy... VERY fishy!!!]]] - I got the flu shot this year. Am I protected? No. H1N1 swine flu viruses are very different from human H1N1 viruses and, therefore, vaccines for human flu would not provide protection from H1N1 swine flu viruses. - Can people catch swine flu from eating pork? No. Swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food; you cannot get swine influenza from eating pork or pork products. - What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans? Based on the cases seen in the U.S., symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of our regular flu: sudden onset of fever, coughing, aches and pains, and extreme fatigue. Swine flu appears to cause diarrhea and vomiting, symptoms that are not usually found in regular flu in adults. - Can we treat swine flu in humans? Yes. Most swine influenza viruses have been treated with antiviral medications. The virus from the most recent U.S. swine flu cases appeared to be resistant to amantadine and rimantadine but were susceptible to zanamivir and oseltamivir (Tamiflu)." - and FACTBOX: Economic costs of a flu pandemic - "The World Bank estimated in 2008 that a flu pandemic could cost $3 trillion and result in a nearly 5 percent drop in world gross domestic product. The World Bank has estimated that more than 70 million people could die worldwide in a severe pandemic. " - and Most Mexico fatal flu victims aged between 25-45 and all 3,794 news articles.

It is an interesting "coincidence" that this starts just when the heat is mounting to prosecute and punish the architects (Cheney/Bush/Rice & co) of the revulsive U.S./CIA torture policy and as up to 2000 new photos of the Bush-era prison abuse are about to be released by the Obama Administration...

Despite some initial misgivings, I now expect that this whole thing will turn out to be a minor and quickly controlled outbreak, just as was the SARS and the Avian flu, and soon we will celebrate the fact that we have once again risen a notch higher in our Pathway to soul salvation from our own cosmic amnesia.

I've asked Suzy to consult with Matthew on this and she soon replied: "I barely scanned your information below because Matthew said he knows what he wants to say."

So here is Matthew's most encouraging and reassuring special message on this matter:

"Once again the dark streamers that are heavily influencing individuals in powerful positions have lashed out in what can be well-termed this energy's 'death rattle.' The newest strategy-the ordering of laboratory-designed, created and released swine flu virus-is, as before, abetted by the controlled media's part of the plan, to declare PANDEMIC! It is puzzling to us that these dark ones did not learn from their abject failures with SARS and then the avian flu, both of which were widely publicized with the same global pandemic prognosis; eventually the publicity was forced to cease because those diseases caused a few deaths, then totally fizzled out. This swine flu situation will have the same result. The technology of our family in other star nations has neutralized the vaccine that is intended to spread this disease, just as they did to prevent the spreading of SARS and avian flu.
This new diabolical plan has been done without the US government leader's knowledge, unlike the previous two pandemic attempts, which were fabricated with the approval of the highest members in that administration. Think about the timing of this latest disease publicity. In addition to authorizing the creation of a virus and its intended worldwide fear, the darkly-inclined individuals’ aim is to distract the attention of the populace from their growing demands for peaceful negotiations; indicting responsible ones in the US government who authorized torture; the truth about the perpetrators of '9/11'; what caused the collapse of the global economy; the decades of government cover-up about the presence of extraterrestrials; who operates the illegal drug industry; the real purpose of chemtrails and weather control; the aims of the worldwide Zionist movement; and the 'black ops' behind terrorism around your world.
It is not enough to create a distraction for only the people of the United States simply because this is the country where much of the corruption and deception originated and where now investigations are running deep. No, it must be a global effort because individuals with dark intentions, who live around the world, are panicking as they see other governments’ citizens joining the clamor for truth, for peace, for renewable energy sources, for improved health care and education, for just laws and rightful recognition of women's equality. All of those are anathema to dark individuals as those conditions are the opposite of all dark goals. But just as the collapse of the global economy is exposing the truth about who has been manipulating it, so will this swine flu plan expose other evils perpetrated by the same dark ones within the Illuminati or under their control. Welcome this evidence of progress in 'bringing to light' the truth and the fast-withering tendrils of dark energy around your planet!"

(End of message)

One more important thing. Obviously, we need to remain calm and centered through this thing, no matter how it turns out. On the one hand, we have lots of competent and dedicated medical personnel who will do their utmost best to help us all through this epidemic whatever the scale it reaches. On the other hand, we have a crew of despicable characters who will do their utmost best to turn this situation to their advantage as they've tried before. On the higher hand, we have the vast forces of Light supporting us and doing their utmost best to ensure that Light and Love prevail, as it ultimately will.

Our physical bodies are not who we really are. We cannot and will not let fear - their ultimate weapon - submerge us and disempower our amazing healing and other spiritual abilities. We can and will use Love - our ultimate blessing - to disable whatever plan may have been concocted and raise an impenetrable shield that will not only protect us but will turn this whole scheme into a glorious victory and yet another demonstration of the power of Love.

May I suggest we all rally tomorrow (Sunday) at the usual meditation time to Achieve Soul Resonance and just bless the whole world with the infinitely powerful radiance of our common God-sourced Love. And while we are at it, we may as well help those affected to heal very fast - Yes we can! -, assist those of the higher realm, who are forever there to protect us and care for us, in rendering harmless this latest virus - since we are One with All Life on Earth, we can "speak" to that part our ourselves and lovingly ask that it causes no further health problem in humans - Yes we can! - and most importantly we can use this occasion as a stepping-stone in further expanding the level of spiritual preparedness for the shifting into a higher dimension that has already started and is gathering pace every day as we all contribute - through our service to Love and for Love in all we are/do - to raising the overall planetary vibrations - YES WE CAN! - which consequently help every soul being to "float" higher - gradually ascending towards the Light of Love, for the Highest Good of all... as One.

Thy Will Be Done!

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
P.S. I will include in my next regular compilation - COMING SOON! - the comments I've already received on this - such as Swine Flue Pandemic? What about existential crisis? - a sampling of the other ones I'll receive - from you perhaps...- and additional related material and MUCH much more as usual ;-) It will be archived HERE

To ensure that these compilations are not blocked, please add to your safe senders list. Your feedback is as always welcomed and may be included in a coming compilation - unless you prefer it is not. Circulating this compilation (or any part of it) and personally inviting your correspondents to subscribe to this list would also help enlarge the circle of people who have access to this material. Please include the following note and the URL address for the archived copy below along with your forwards, so others may have the opportunity to explore the original copy, if they so choose.
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STATS for this compilation: Over 14,700 words and 80 links provided.



1. Twitter Breaking News on the swine flu outbreak!
2. 8 New York Students Test Positive for Rare Flu Virus
3. The Weaponized Flu Pandemic, WPF, Appears to Have Begun
4. Criminal Charges to be filed against Dr M Chan and WHO for mass murder
5. Mexican Swine Flu An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11
6. Mexico Links Sickness, Deaths to Swine Flu

And just to keep things in perspective...

World Malaria Day: 25 April 2009
Approximately half of the world's population is at risk of malaria, particularly those living in lower-income countries. It infects more than 500 million people per year and kills more than 1 million. The burden of malaria is heaviest in sub-Saharan Africa but the disease also afflicts Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and even parts of Europe. CLIP More through

Meningitis epidemic currently sweeping through sub-Saharan Africa (21 April 2009)
Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the thin lining that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. It is epidemic prone, and this episode discusses the transmission of the disease and its symptoms. (...) Meningitis is a yearly occurrence in sub-Saharan Africa, in an area known as the "Meningitis Belt". This area stretches from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east, an area with a population of 300 million people. The epidemic peaks during the dry season, between December and June. This year, Nigeria, Niger and Chad are particularly badly affected. CLIP

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Twitter Breaking News on the swine flu outbreak!


British Airways crew member hospitalized with flu-like symptoms in London, official tells BNO News:

California confirms seventh case of swine flu, officials tell BNO News:

Reforma: Death toll from Mexican swine flu epidemic rises to 69, at least 1,200 people infected.

Kansas reports first confirmed cases of swine flu, investigates other suspected cases:

WHO: Swine flu an international health emergency, urges international coordination:


The White House says President Obama has not shown any flu-like symptoms since his trip to Mexico. A person he met had swine flu.

URGENT -- Up to 200 possibly infected with swine flu at Queens high school, spreading among family members:

AP: Mexico empowers health department to isolate patients, inspect homes in swine flu outbreak.

Reuters: WHO urges all countries globally to boost surveillance for unusual outbreaks of flu-like illness, pneumonia.

The World Health Organization is calling for a coordinated response to prevent a global pandemic.

The CDC has issued an outbreak notice for the United States and Mexico. Go to

Reuters: World Health Organization to declare swine flu outbreak a "public health event of international concern," sources say.

UPDATED -- New York City Department of Health announces unscheduled news conference, one hour delayed:



"It is clear that this is widespread. And that is why we have let you know that we cannot contain the spread of this virus" - CDC tells BNO.


The CDC says it is investigating an unknown number of suspected U.S. swine flu cases and has stepped up border patrol as a result.


The World Health Organization says it has concluded its emergency meeting without taking actions - Reuters.

The CDC says it has no new confirmed cases of swine flu in the US since yesterday but says it is extremely concerned - @mpoppel.

JUST IN -- Mexico City mayor cancels all public events for 10 days to try to contain swine flu outbreak, AP reports.

WHO Director-General Chan says it may change global pandemic alert later today after emergency meeting.

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8 New York Students Test Positive for Rare Flu Virus


April 25, 2009

As health officials from New York to Mexico raced on Saturday to combat a rare and rapidly spreading influenza virus, eight students at a Queens high school tested positive for a type of influenza that is probably swine flu, and possibly the same strain that has killed as many as 68 people in Mexico City.

At the same time, the World Health Organization said it was considering whether to declare an international public health emergency, a move that could involve travel advisories and border closings. For now, it only went so far as to term the outbreak a "public health emergency of international concern."

In New York City the health commissioner, Dr. Thomas Frieden, said at news conference that eight of nine students from St. Francis Preparatory School in Fresh Meadows, Queens, tested positive for the type A influenza virus, which meets the probable conditions for swine flu.

Additional tests are being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and will probably be completed to determine whether that virus is the same H1N1 strain that was identified in Mexico on Friday, Dr. Friedan said.

"So far, every person we've identified has mild symptoms," Dr. Frieden said. He said that none of the students had to be hospitalized.

Nonetheless, he said that if the centers confirmed that the students have swine flu, the health department will recommend that St. Francis not reopen on Monday "out of an abundance of caution."

"You could say, all you got is a lot of kids with mild illness, why close the school?" Dr. Frieden said. "On the other hand, it is very important to say, that schools can be an area where not only can students become ill but can be an area for amplifying or spreading the infection."

In Mexico, the effects of the virus were far more harsh and widespread, and the government response was far more sweeping.

President Felipe Calderón published an order Saturday that would give his government extraordinary powers to address the deadly flu epidemic, including isolating those affected by the rare virus, inspecting their homes and ordering the closing of any public events that might result in more infection.

The government has already taken steps to try to control the swine flu outbreak that has killed as many as 68 people and infected possibly 1,000 more. Since Friday, officials have canceled hundreds of public events and closed schools for millions of students in and around Mexico City. On Saturday, another 24 suspected cases were reported in the capital city, according to The Associated Press.

Mexicans were encouraged to avoid public places and if the went out to wear masks, known as tapabocas or cover-your-mouths.

In the United States, officials at the C.D.C. said on Saturday that they understood that the outbreak potential in the United States was serious.

"It's clear that this is widespread," said Dr. Anne Schuchat, interim deputy director for science and public health program for the C.D.C. said in a teleconference on Saturday. "We do not think we can contain the spread of this virus."

By Saturday, eight cases of swine flu had been reported in the United States in addition to those in New York -- seven in southern California -- in San Diego and Imperial Counties, which share a border with Mexico -- two in Cibolo, Tex., near San Antonio, and two in Kansas.

In New York City, Dr. Frieden said that 100 to 200 students from St. Francis Prep, which has a student body of 2,700, reported some symptoms of influenza.

"We don't know if it is spreading from person to person," he said. "In the cases we have seen, we have seen a very short incubation period. From the time you got exposed to the time you got sick was only one to two to five days."

Although Dr. Frieden would not confirm whether students recently traveled to Mexico, at least two students interviewed on Saturday said that they knew of other students from the school that went there for Spring Break. On Thursday, about 75 students went to the school's medical center with symptoms from headaches, to fevers, to burning eyes.

"When kids heard the news that people in Mexico City were dying from it, some kids were getting scared" said Jack Castronova 17, a student at the school.

In addition to the school in Fresh Meadows, Dr. Frieden said that health officials were examining 30 children from a day care center in the Bronx had flu-like symptoms. And at least two people who recently returned from Mexico contacted the city health department and said their children had similar symptoms, Dr. Frieden said.

He cautioned that schools can be a place where viruses spread rapidly because children do not always take precautions, (like covering their mouths, to contain their germs.

"We will also continue working with hospitals to identify people with serious respiratory symptoms," Dr. Frieden said.

The United States has a detailed pandemic preparedness plan that was written in 2005 during the early years of the scare over H5N1 bird flu. But one person involved in planning said that federal officials were "not pulling the trigger on any part of it yet."
Officials are considering moving stockpiles of the flu drug Tamiflu and protective gear like masks and gloves closer to San Diego, San Antonio and other places where the first cases of swine flu were reported in the United States.

Before any aspect of the pandemic plan can be set in motion, one official explained, there has to be some idea how many people in Mexico are infected. Fewer than 100 deaths from pneumonia or flu-like illness in a city of 20 million is not very many.

Most of Mexico's dead were young, healthy adults and none were over 60 or under 3 years old, the World Healrth Organization said. That alarms health officials because seasonal fluus cause most of their deaths among infants and the bedridden elderly, but pandemic flus often strike the young and healthy the hardest.

The current swine flu outbreak comes at a time when many of the top federal health positions in the United States have not been filled by the Obama adminstration. Dr. Besser is the acting head of the centers, and there is also an acting surgeon general.

A health official and a flu expert who were consulted on planning and who spoke on condition of anonymity to keep from being cut off from consultations said that in recent days they had taken part in several unnecessarily long conference calls with what one called "newbies."

Teams from the centers have gone to Texas and California and will be helping local officials with case contacts, laboratory testing and other steps. They also will be watching for any sharp increase in emergency room admissions for respiratory problems. In addition, they want to examine whether the very unusual combination of North American swine, human and avian strains with a Eurasian swine strain, is mutating and whether it is becoming more virulent.

If the World Health Organization decides to raise its alert level to 4 from 3, indicating it had found sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus, the United States -- whose pandemic alert level is now at zero -- might raise its levels. That would include putting emergency rooms and first-responders on alert, making sure they have seasonal flu shots and putting them first in line for any early batches of a vaccine based on the current swine strain.

In addition, raising the alert level could also include closing schools, theaters and ball parks, requiring people to wear masks while on public transportation, banning large gatherings and imposing travel restrictions.

Public officials are usually reluctant to take such steps because of the panic and economic disruption they can cause.

To combat the disease, the centers has already started preparation of a "seed strain" for a swine flu vaccine, weakening the virus until it provides protection without causing disease takes time and careful testing.


Related articles:

Mexico May Isolate Patients With Deadly Swine Flu Strain (April 26, 2009)

Swine influenza
The World Health Organization is coordinating the global response to human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) and monitoring the corresponding threat of an influenza pandemic. Information on this page tracks the evolving situation and provides access to both technical guidelines and information useful for the general public. This section will be updated as more information becomes available.

Swine influenza questions and answers [pdf 79kb]
(...) What about the pandemic risk?It is likely that most of people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection. If a swine virus established efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host factors. Swine influenza viruses can give a rise to a hybrid virus by mixing with a human influenza virus and can cause pandemic. -Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza? No. Influenza viruses change very quickly and the match between the vaccine and the circulating virus is very important to give adequate protective immunity to vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs to select vaccine viruses twice a year for seasonal influenza protection, once for the northern hemisphere winter and another for the southern hemisphere. Current seasonal influenza vaccine produced based on WHO recommendation does not contain swine influenza virus. It is unknown whether the seasonal vaccines can provide any cross protection to ongoing swine influenza virus infection in the United States and Mexico. WHO is working closely with its partner institutions for further advise on the use of seasonal influenza vaccine in preventing the swine influenza infection. CLIP

Who Owns the Rights on Tamiflu: Rumsfeld To Profit From Bird Flu Hoax (October 26, 2005)
(...) Tamiflu, a worthless drug that in no way shape or form treats the avian flu, but only decreases the amount of days one is sick and can actually contribute to the virus having more lethal mutations. So the U.S. placed an order for 20 million doses of this worthless drug at a price of $100 per dose. That comes to a staggering $2 billion. CLIP

Major Flu Strain Found Resistant to Leading Drug, Puzzling Scientists (January 8, 2009)
Virtually all the dominant strain of flu in the United States this season is resistant to the leading antiviral drug Tamiflu, and scientists and health officials are trying to figure out why.

Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing (April 22, 2009)
Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick. As first reported in today's edition of The Frederick News-Post by columnist Katherine Heerbrandt, the investigators are from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division unit at Fort Meade.Chad Jones, spokesman for Fort Meade, said CID is investigating the possibility of missing virus samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. (...) USAMRIID is the Army's top biodefense lab, where researchers study pathogens including Ebola, anthrax and plague.In February, USAMRIID halted all its research into these and other diseases, known as "select agents" following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory.The institute's commander, Col. John Skvorak, ordered research halted while workers conducted a complete inventory of the institute's select agents.

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The Weaponized Flu Pandemic, WPF, Appears to Have Begun
"It first looked mostly like a swine virus but closer analysis showed it is a never-before-seen mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the CDC."
"Don't be concerned", say the pundits of officialdom, "but this virus has killed 61 people in Mexico and has spread to the US." In Mexico, the victims have died while in the US they have not. I must assume that this is because their immune systems were in better shape. You will find specific information relating to that vital truth at the end of this message. Please take the time to read it all because it could save your life.

The article in Reuters goes on to say, "Because there is clearly human-to-human spread of the new virus, rising fears of a major outbreak, Mexico's government canceled classes for millions of children in its sprawling capital city and surrounding areas.

"Our concern has grown as of yesterday," U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acting director Dr. Richard Besser told reporters in a telephone briefing." but the CDC and WHO go on to note that you should not alter your travel plans even though they also say they think that there may be as many as 1000 cases in Mexico...

Eight people were infected with the new strain in California and Texas, but all of them have recovered. Mexico said it had close to 1,000 suspected cases there.

"The CDC's Besser said scientists were working to understand why there are so many deaths in Mexico when the infections in the United States seem mild. Worldwide, seasonal flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people in an average year, but the flu season for North America should have been winding down. The U.S. government said it was closely following the new cases. 'The White House is taking the situation seriously and monitoring for any new developments. The president has been fully briefed,' an administration official said. Mexico's government cautioned people not to shake hands or kiss when greeting or to share food, glasses or cutlery for fear of infection....The WHO said it was ready to use rapid containment measures if needed, including antivirals, and that both the United States and Mexico are well equipped to handle the outbreak. Both the WHO and the CDC said there was no need to alter travel arrangements in Mexico or the United States."

I believe, on the contrary, that you SHOULD alter you travel plans. If you have any means to, or reason to, or thoughts of, being outside the US and Mexico RIGHT NOW, do it. Get a ticket and get out. Why? Because the flu may not sicken or kill you, but the forced vaccinations very well may.

It has also been noted in officialdom that although there is no evidence that this year's seasonal flu would provide cross "protection," that "possibility" is being "studied."

5 will get you 10 that the official pronouncement comes forth that, indeed, this year's flu vaccine miraculously confers "protection" against this mystery disease and, aren't we lucky? We can all take the Seasonal Flu vaccine and get "protected". I will be literally astonished if that is not the thrust of this "investigation" of a "lucky coincidence".

Vaccines, an uninsurable risk, are damaging and deadly at the best of times and have never been proven either safe or effective, despite the near-religious fervor of their well-funded supporters. Despite the total lack of scientific evidence that the antibodies produced by an irritated immune system provide protection for people against what they were injected for, epidemics continue to occur primarily in vaccinated populations (just as Avian Flu continued to appear in vaccinated flocks living in industrial conditions). But epidemics make for great crowd control opportunities and for wonderful population reduction exercises.

If this "strange brew virus" is the beginning of the Pandemic we have been promised for so long, it will LITERALLY signal the end of our lives as we know them, or even the ending of our lives. The monsters intentionally working this scheme have said over and over that there WOULD be a Pandemic, that it COULD be any time. The Powers That Kill (PTK) decided some time ago that there were simply too many of us "Useless Eaters" and they have concocted several schemes to accomplish the culling to get rid of what the US Government, the UN, WHO and others have decided is "necessary" for a sustainable planet: 80-90% of us dead. Remember, information is appearing which says that the new virus is a "strange brew" of swine flu, avian flu and human flu. Such "Strange Brews" do not occur by themselves. They occur in laboratories where mad men/women and their murderous gutless, spineless technicians and helpers assist them.

We have a warning to those who would perpetrate this horror: "just following orders" is not a defense to a charge of Crimes Against Humanity. You will be found out. You will be blamed. Just like the enlisted soldiers who were the scapegoats at Abu Grave, your superiors will disavow you and leave you hanging in the wind. Just like what may be about to happen to the NeoCon torturers of the last US Administration.

Two days ago, we heard rumblings of a mystery "Swine Flu" which was killing people in Mexico, but, not to worry! This was, the media soothed, not, repeat not, the start of a Pandemic. Yesterday we heard that there were now cases of this mystery disease in the US

and today, at 1:30 PM, Recombinomics Commentary, a virology journal, tells us that this IS the start of the Pandemic.
Click here - - for source articles and references.

But they also tell us that the gene sequences are totally novel and that such a virus has not been seen before.

Not outside of a weapons virology laboratory, that is. If this engineered Pandemic does not fizzle as several recent attempts we've tracked, you are being set up for one of three events. If it does fizzle there WILL be another attempt after this one, and another and another... until they get what they are after: genocidal depopulation -- unless we stop these atrocities.


Here's what you are looking at in the very near future:

You will face either FEMA or the Department of Homeland Security running the country with:

1. Martial Law and forced vaccinations, if you accept them. These vaccine will have GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT in them (perhaps some of the same goodies that were used to sterilize 3,000,000+ women in the Philippines without their knowledge, according to the conviction handed down by the Philippine Supreme Court, or the ones that were used, starting in 1985 by the WHO, to make enough women sterile in Africa to "eliminate 150,000,000 excess Sub Saharan Africans") or something in there to make sure that you have the flu or develop leukemia from the known contaminating viruses permitted in vaccines by the FDA for decades, or poisonous aluminum, fluoride and mercury, or MSG, or, or....

2. Martial Law with forced internment for an indefinite period if you refuse the "treatment" or "prevention" offered to you. If you think that this internment will be for your good health and survival, guess again. The DOJ no doubt already has a Memo drafted that it is perfectly legal.

This is not conspiracy theory - this is conspiracy fact: there IS a conspiracy to kill you and yours. Disregard this information and warning at your own peril. What are the consequences if you are unable to incorporate this information and it is true? What are the consequences if you do deal with it and it turns out to false or the weaponized virus fails in its mission?

You can see pretty quickly that this is a time to act on the basis that it IS true and do a Monday Morning Quarterback session if it's not. If it is correct, and we fear it may be, then not acting on it can, quite simply, destroy you and yours.

Not convinced? Simply think about Baxter's contamination of seasonal flu vaccine with highly infective weaponized Avian Flu Virus - followed by no criminal investigation, no firings, nothing and add in the fact that Baxter was applying for a license to sell their new Avian Flu vaccine against the same strain found in the vaccines in the very same 18 countries and you cannot miss the conspiracy.

But time has run out to try to persuade people. Frankly, at this point, you either follow your intuition and get it or you do not.

You are about to read for yourself the way it is and if you can see it, fine. If you cannot, well, the consequences will be on your own head. But the cost of ignoring what you are about to read, and not sharing it, may be truly life-and-death horrendous. Let me add here that I pray to my God that this deadly attempt on our lives and our way of life fails as the other attempts we've documented have.


Some of the intentional plagues, like SARS, have fizzled miserably (or gloriously for us who do not wish to die). Avian Flu simply would not get off the ground - 64% of the chickens in Indonesia, for example, developed a gene which makes them immune to the novel, weaponized Avian Flu with which they have been injected!

The Wellcome Trust of drug giant Burroughs Wellcome/SmithKleinGlaxo recently handed out grants to figure out why the Avian Flu was NOT causing a pandemic. Highly pathogenic (disease-causing) agents went through several transmissions and, DANG!, they lost their punch so that Egyptian toddlers are, as a recent news article said, unexpectedly not dying.

The fact, however, that they were not dying of the Avian Flu was, in the bizarre and twisted logic of that writer, a cause for even greater concern (and more vaccinations?) because then people would spread it without dying and there would be more deaths. Say what? Logic is not a strong point of those who hire themselves out to TPK.

Laws have been put in place to allow the mere utterance of the word "Pandemic" by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to close the trap on anyone inside, entering or leaving the US, compelling vaccination or internment via martial law and other "emergency measures":

~ Accept either Mandatory Vaccination or involuntary internment ("quarantine") for an unspecified period of time. More than 630 camps, with a total capacity of close to 30 million people, have been built and staffed (Patriot Acts I, II, BARDA, State Emergency Medical Powers Acts in virtually every state make refusing a vaccine when called for by the Governor a felony offense punishable by immediate imprisonment).

~ Presidential Emergency Powers which authorize the stripping of your citizenship and habeas corpus rights and authorizing holding you as a suspected terrorist if you disagree with the system's desires (Executive Order, October 17, 2007).

The Sec of HHS needs no scientific substantiation, no advice and consent from Congress, no validation from anyone. Just the magic word, "Pandemic!" CAN and WILL trigger Health Fascism such as we have never seen outside of the concentration camps of Germany. You see,

~ The Warren Commission Act (October 17, 2006), authorizes holding "suspected terrorists" [see above] without a trial or with a trial before a military tribunal but without legal representation, the right to confront one's accusers, the right to examine the evidence against you or be informed of the charges against you, and subjecting you to the possibility of a secret execution as a "suspected terrorist" while -

~ President Bush's Executive Order of October 17, 2006 cancels habeas corpus, the rights granted under the English Common Law System to not be kidnapped by the state without notifying people that you are being held, the right to legal representation, the right to a speedy trial, the right to know the charges against you, the right to examine the evidence being held against you, the right to face your accusers, the right, in short, to justice under the US Constitution. Gone.
Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning for some time that a bio-engineered, weaponized flu virus and/or weaponized flu vaccine is in the offing. See, for example, Intellegence Report on Weaponized Avia Flu,, Smoke and MirrorsŠ shards of truth - and Avian Flu "Accident" -

If you recall, it was the Natural Solutions Foundation which broke the Weaponized Flu story in July, 2008 and have followed it up vigorously with videos, on the radio and in writing since then.



An official in Indiana recently claimed that he had been briefed along with others that FEMA has a plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the US within 48 hours of the start of an official "Pandemic". While that is an enormous logistical task, given that battle veterans are in place "backing up" police departments throughout the nation, who knows what might be accomplished? Rounding up people, putting them in holding centers and administering these shots forcibly under armed guard as was done to the children of Prince George's County, MD, school district in November, 2007? You will recall that the State's Attorney in this action, Mr. Glenn Ivey, stated that his own young children were protected under an exemption in the state which he had filed for them because the vaccines were dangerous.

Could mercenaries who work for companies like Xe, the renamed Blackwater, the hundreds of thousands of foreign soldiers reported to be quartered in the US (despite the "outmoded" [according to President Obama] US Constitution's prohibition of such quartering) and newly retrained US and Canadian troops round people up and sort out the accepters from the refusers, shipping off the refusers to camps and jails prepared for them. No? Why not? After all, they would be indoctrinated to believe that you, unvaccinated, would pose a danger that the rest of us and therefore, if you were reluctant to do your duty for society and accept the vaccination, you would have to be removed from society. Can't happen? That's what the ghastly, inhuman and ineffective, but ever-burgeoning prison system is based upon. Precisely.

Given that in July of 2008, within 24 hours of each other, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security declared that their goal was to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the United States against the Avian Flu (now, of course, it would be the "Mysterious" Swine Flu), starting, as they so chillingly put it, with those who want it, there is no reason to think that this is not what lies in store for us.

My advice to you: DO NOT accept injections. Protect your immune system by starting a vigorous, but sensible, detoxification program NOW and by giving up any sort of packaged food that is not labeled organic and GMO free. Read the information below on how to do that with safe, clean and effective products which also provide support to the Natural Solutions Foundation so that we can continue fighting for you and your rights.


Related articles:

Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix (April 24, 2009)
Mass vaccination program was halted after hundreds contracted debilitating nerve disease -- Given the reports of the possibility of a swine flu epidemic, is interesting to note that last time there was a significant outbreak of a new form of swine flu in the U.S. it originated at the army base at Fort Dix, New Jersey.Hundreds of soldiers on the base, mostly recruits, were infected without becoming ill in 1976. President Gerald Ford immediately ordered a nationwide vaccination program.More than 40 million people were vaccinated. However, the program was stopped short after over 500 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a severe paralyzing nerve disease, were reported. 30 people died as a direct result of the vaccinations.Unanswered questions regarding the outbreak remain to this day. According to a CDC investigation, It is not known why the virus did not extend beyond basic trainees or beyond the military base. The source of the virus, the exact time of its introduction into Fort Dix, and factors limiting its spread and duration remain unknown. Previous reports of attempts to use influenza as a bio weapon, should also have us asking concerned questions. See below for further reading...

Many "interesting" comments after this article ...



WHO: Swine Flu Could Trigger Global Pandemic (April 24, 2009)
Unheard of new strain is hybrid resulting from a combination of four different viruses. (...) "It is a hybrid that resulted from a combination of four different viruses - one that typically infects people, one that originated in North American birds and two from pigs in Europe and Asia," Anne Schuchat, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told the Washington Post. "The good news is all seven of these patients have recovered," she said. The virus appears to be resistant to two drugs normally used to treat the flu, but two others appear to be effective against it. CLIP

We Still Don't Know If Vaccines Are Safe (April 24, 2009)
In all likelihood the truth about vaccines is that they are both good and bad. But we need to find out for sure. (...) The truth is that no one without a vested interest in the profitability of vaccines has studied all 36 of them in depth. There are more than 100 vaccines in development, and no tests for cumulative effect or vaccine interaction of all 36 vaccines in the current schedule have ever been done. If I'm mistaken, I challenge those who are making such grand pronouncements about vaccine safety to produce those studies.If we are to believe that the ruling of the 'vaccine court' in these cases mean that all vaccines are safe, then we must also consider the rulings of that same court in the Hannah Polling and Bailey Banks cases, which ruled vaccines were the cause of autism and therefore assume that all vaccines are unsafe. Clearly both are irresponsible assumptions, and neither option is prudent.In this growing crisis, we cannot afford to blindly trumpet the agenda of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) or vaccine makers. Now more than ever, we must resist the urge to close this book before it's been written. The anecdotal evidence of millions of parents who've seen their totally normal kids regress into sickness and mental isolation after a trip to the pediatrician's office must be seriously considered. The legitimate concern they and many in the scientific community have that environmental toxins, including those found in vaccines, may be causing autism and other disorders (Aspergers, ADD, ADHD), cannot be dissuaded by a show of sympathy and a friendly invitation to look for the 'real' cause of autism anywhere but within the lucrative vaccine program.With vaccines being the fastest growing division of the pharmaceutical industry, isn't it possible that profits may play a part in the decision-making? That the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine than a means of prevention? In a world left reeling from the catastrophic effects of greed, mismanagement and corporate insensitivity, is it so absurd for us to wonder why American children are being given twice as many vaccines on average, compared to the top 30 first world countries? CLIP

Oh! and perhaps the following warning featured in my last compilation was reliable after all... perhaps what was being transported secretly all over the US in refrigerated trucks was the killer vaccine in preparation for this manufactured pandemic. Take a couple minutes to listen to this caller below and make up your own mind in light of these latest developments.

AVIAN FLU - FEMA TRAIN CONNECTION! UPDATE Part 1 - An exercise in discernment!
"Mary", caller to the Power Hour on March 30, 2009, gives many details that the Dept of Homeland Security is transporting and distributing bird flu in mass quantities. Transcript of this phone call and much more through Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials? Call Genesis Communications, The Power Hour, 1 877 817 9828 with any further information or tips you may have. Part 2 is HERE more on this at

Barack Obama to release up to 2,000 photographs of prisoner abuse (25 Apr 2009)
President Barack Obama is to release up to 2,000 photographs of alleged abuse at American prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan in a move which will reignite the scandal surrounding Abu Ghraib prison in 2004.

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From: Jane Burgermeister (
Subject: Criminal Charges Over the 'Swine Flu' To Be Filed in Austria On Monday
Date: 25 Apr 2009

Hallo Patrick,

I heard WHO is gearing up to declare a swine flu pandemic and just notified Dr Margaret Chan, the Director General of WHO, that I intend to file criminal charges for conspiracy to commit mass murder against her and President Obama in Austria on Monday.

An usual step but it's an unusual situation! Please see email below outlining the case I intend to bring against Dr Chan. It expands on the criminal charges I filed concerning the bird flu virus earlier this month.

After all, all WHO has do is distribute surgical masks if there is a real pandemic virus threat. There is absolutely no justification on public health grounds for a mass forced vaccination programme.

I hope more people, especially Americans living in Europe, will file criminal charges and class action lawsuits for damages in case WHO declares a pandemic resulting in mass death and economic havoc. We need to bombard them with charges and lawsuits!
If you could post this up on your website to generate awareness, I'd be grateful.

Best, Jane

From: Jane Burgermeister (
Date: April 25, 2009
Subject: Criminal Charges to be filed against Dr M Chan and WHO for mass murder

Dear Dr Margaret Chan,

I am sending this email to inform you that I intend to file criminal charges on Monday Aril 27th against you as well as other employees in the WHO and allied organisations, for your role in exposing the populations of the world to the risk of a pandemic virus that could kill billions of people using laws to fight international racketeering influenced organised crime as well as the UN convention for the prevention and punishment of genocide.

As a public servant employed in an international organisation, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation based in Geneva, you have the duty as part of your official capacity to act at all times in such a way as to safeguard the health of the world's population, specifically to prevent the "misuse" of pandemic declaration by organisations, companies, government bodies or other entities intent on unleashing a pandemic virus and then carrying through a mass vaccination programme with contaminated material in order to gain political and economic advantages from mass murder.

Media reports indicate that your organisation is abusing its administrative structures, personnel and services to play up the danger of the swine flu virus to justify just such a mass vaccination programme with an untried and untested vaccine.

The WHO has ordered all WHO officers to man the "Pandemic Control Room" 24/7 for the 1st time in response to the swine flu cases reported in the media yesterday, and is about to declare a "pandemic".

The WHO "Pandemic Control Room" is designed to map and track the spread of a pandemic virus, and is thus equipped with super-computers tied to all U.N. member government's security forces.

This "control room" is where any declarations of "pandemic" will originate from, and I would be grateful if you could list the names of the people working in that control room.

When WHO sends such a "declaration" to President Obama, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security "Pandemic Task Forces" will be deployed according to my information.
Each State Governor will be notified that the provisions of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) will be implemented. This means that all Americans must consent to mass vaccinations, or be guilty of a FELONY crime.

Would it not, Dr Chan, be better just to ask people who refuse to wear a surgical mask if there is, indeed, a real danger of a pandemic? Why force through a vaccination on pain of being shot?
The legal situation is that anyone who refuses the vaccine, and/or resists forced relocation to a prepared "quarantine compound", can "legally" be shot and killed. (Justified "deadly force".) See

You must be aware of this facts.

This is such a drastic scenario that you in your capacity as a public servant must have real evidence of a dire threat to the population and be prove beyond a doubt that your actions will address that threat and that there is a good reason why you don't simply recommend people were surgical masks if they don't want to take the vaccination.

From media reports, it seems that the new strain of swine flu is a synthetic structural recombinant, it contains genes from birds, humans, and pigs from many different continents. It therefore is reasonable to assume it came out of a laboratory, specifically a bioweapons laboratory.

Wouldn't the WHO be better advised to investigate the lab that manufactured and released this synthetic virus and prosecute them or else recommend people wear surgical masks rather than declare a mass vaccination programme?

According to a report in Fox News below, your assessment of the dangers of this swine flu is by far the most pessimistic with the CDC recommending just customary precautions. How do you explain that?

How do explain why you have identified so many fatalities already while the Mexican government has confirmed only 16 from this new flu strain? What is the scientific basis for your identification? Are you using a correct procedure? Can you prove it in court that you are using the correct procedure and that simply recommending people wear surgical masks is not adequate.

Also, I note that the new strain of the swine flu has appeared in Mexico and America simultaneously, and under "mysterious circumstances" also indicating a deliberate, planned and coordinated release of the synthetic laboratory engineered viruses. Shouldn't you be investigating such a "mysterious" incident? Have you declared an investigation? Who are you investigating? Please give details?

WHO is obliged to exhaust all other avenues before declaring a pandemic and initiating a mass vaccination programme because you must -- as part of your duties to be informed as the holder of such an office -- know that the 1976 swine flu mass vaccination programme was abandoned by the US government because of the mounting evidence that the risk to the general public was greater from the vaccination programme than from the actual swine flu.

It is your especial duty, given this precedent in 1976, to make sure no mass vaccination programme is implemented unless that causes injury to the general public is implemented under your auspices by your declaring a pandemic prematurely and without having adequate safeguards in place to ensure the high quality and safety of any vaccine material.

You also need to show that recommending surgical masks is not a viable alternative approach in dealing with any so-called pandemic.

I contend that you are not fulfilling your duty to a) provide accurate information to the public about the threats posed to them by the swine flu and b) to ensure you do not declare a pandemic prematurely as a pretext to rush through a contaminated or faulty vaccine material that could result in death or injury to people as happened in 1976.

As a public servant whose body is currently investigation the involvement of Baxter and Avir in the release of bird flu pandemic material in Austria, you are obliged to be fully aware also of the details of this case and the role that a pharmaceutical company, namely Baxter, played in almost triggering a pandemic.

You might also be aware of the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and other bodies, including the WHO, in respect of this case on April 8th with the Vienna City Prosecutor since they are available on a blog.
The WHO reference center provided Baxter with the particularly lethal wild type bird flu virus that ended up contaminating ordinary human flu material and being distributed to 16 laboratories in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany under a false label, and so nearly sparking a bird flu pandemic this winter in the estimation of experts and the media.
Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic (6 Mar 2009)

In the Baxter case of this winter, there is therefore a clear, well documented link between WHO and the release of pandemic bird flu material in Europe this winter.

The WHO is, according to reports, conducting an investigation into Baxter and Avir's role in producing and distributing this material, but has so far not made public the results of its investigation or made recommendations in respect of stricter biosecurity rules for laboratories working with the highly pathogenic bird flu virus. Why not?

I contend your failure to conduct a full and detailed investigation into this incident, and to make those findings public or to make clear recommendations as to how to prevent a repeat of this incident is not merely a failure to perform your duty as a public servant but evidence of your role in covering up the real origin of the pandemic virus, specifically, in WHO's own reference center.

In my criminal charges filed with the Vienna City Prosecutor on April 8th, 2009, I alleged that Baxter deliberately tried to trigger a pandemic with the aim of profiting from it by sealing in advance lucrative contracts to supply a vaccination for the bird flu with the Austrian Health Ministry in 2006, specifically the contract sealed with Austrian Health Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat involved supplying 16 million vaccine shots in the event that WHO declared a bird flu pandemic.

In Germany, a vaccination bird flu shot is mandatory ensuring more profits for pharmaceutical companies, and adding to the motivation for companies to trigger a pandemic because they will profit from it, and to take steps to exercise undue influence on members of WHO to declare a pandemic without adequate reason.

Referring to laws on racketeering influenced crime organisations, I argued that high offices in organisations such as the WHO have been annexed by criminal elements who are actually helping to further a criminal agenda of committing murder with the motive of robbery - albeit using covert bioweapons programmes.

As a result of the actions of Baxter, at least 35 people in Austria and in the Czech Republic were given preventative treatment against bird flu and the ordinary human flu in hospital. This underlines that in the professional opinion of the medical personnel there was a real, concrete and specific danger from Baxter and WHO's contaminated material to the health of those individuals, such that administering medicines was considered necessary. I understand the Czech laboratory staff who came into contact with Baxter's contaminated and who first reported it on February 6th material were placed in quarantine.

Given the fact that this incident happened only a few weeks ago and your organisation is involved in it in as far as it supplied a) a lethal strain of the bird flu virus and b) is investigating the incident, it is your duty to be aware of all details, allegations of criminal intent, evidence for those allegations and refutations of those allegations because there are so many parallels with this new "swine flu" case, also involving a synthetic structure that has mysteriously appeared in two places simultaneously.

In particular, you are obliged to be informed about the fact that Baxter uses biosafety level 3 regulations when handling the highly pathogenic bird flu virus that WHO sent the company from its reference center, and that under these biosafety 3 regulations an accidental contamination of the deadly bird flu virus strain you sent you're your reference center to Baxter with a human flu is virtually impossible.

You must also be aware of the research of Jeffery K. Taubenberger of the Department of Molecular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology into the bird flu virus and specifically his reconstruction of the deadly strain of the bird flu virus from the genetic material retrieved from victims of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919.

Although many researchers and NGOs issued warnings that resurrecting this lethal virus was dangerous to the public, the WHO has been one of the biggest supporters of continuing research into this bioengineered virus and into its "antidotes" spending millions of tax payers dollars on research and prevention programmes.

You must be aware that it was only last summer that scientists published in scientific journals evidence that showed that the bird flu can mix with the human flu virus to produce a pandemic virus in a laboratory situation.

You must also be aware of the ongoing criminal investigation in Poland into the deaths of homeless people after they were given a bird flu trial vaccination by doctors and nurses last summer.

There is therefore, I argue, ample evidence within the public domain to show that pharmaceutical companies and government organisations and other agents are knowingly and intentionally creating pandemic virus material and, as we saw in Austria, this winter unleashing it on the population, and trying to cover up their involvement.

Should you and WHO now declare a pandemic for the swine flu in the USA, and should people die as a direct result of the vaccination programme you initiate, or should there be significant evidence of harm or injury to people as a direct result of the mass vaccination programme you initiate, as happened in 1976, you could find yourself charged not with a conspiracy to mass murder but with mass murder itself.

Furthermore, the WHO, as far as I am informed, has published a study outlining the economic impact of a pandemic virus.

If you as part of your office help criminal organisations who have annexed high offices of state to carry out their crimes, to ignite and then declare a pandemic, that disrupts the economy, then you, other leading individuals working for WHO in an official capacity and WHO, as an organisation, could also liable not only for criminal charges but also for damages flowing from class action lawsuits filed not just by citizens of American but by citizens or company around the world that see their revenues decline as a direct result of the pandemic being unleashed, and the subsequent havoc to the economy.

If there is a pandemic declaration by WHO and mass deaths from the vaccination programme, I foresee a situation were you and the WHO could find thousands of people are filing criminal charges but also class action law suits.

I contend there is evidence from the pattern of your activities concerning the Baxter case that you, under the color of your office while purporting to act in an official capacity, are actually acting on behalf of hidden crime interests intent on igniting a pandemic and misusing a declaration of a pandemic to gain political and financial advantages, a group which I designate as the Illuminati crime gang.
The declaration of a pandemic by WHO has direct political and financial and other advantages to elements in the US government, especially elements I argue belong to the Illuminati/New World Order/CIA/Freemason crime gang, who are now being considered for investigation for sanctioning torture in Guantanamo in violation of the US and international law, specifically Donald Rumsfeld (who has financial connections with an anti bird flu Tamiflu producer), Richard Cheney and Alberto Gonzales.

The imposition of martial law will help anyone suspected of violating laws to torture to avoid prosecution in the United States, although a case is pending in Spain.

I contend that you are abusing your office as Director General of WHO, knowingly and intentionally, to help the Illuminati achieve their political and financial goals.

I contend there is already today, Saturday, evidence that you are intentionally manipulating information on the swine flu outbreak that allegedly started yesterday to play up the danger of a pandemic in order to justify the implementation of a mass vaccination programme while ignoring and suppressing information that indicates this response is not proportionate to the risk.

Finally, I ask you to please provide me by Monday 10am April 27th Central European Time in the form of email attachments, links, legal memos etc the following documentation so that I can review it before submitting fresh criminal charges related to this matter.
Specifically, I ask you to send me or to instruct one of your personnel to send me
1) The studies you have to date on the swine flu vaccination you intend to inoculate the US population with, with clear evidence from respected scientific sources such as clinical trials reported in peer reviewed scientific journals as to their unequivocal safety:

2) Information as to the genetic sequence of the swine flu strain detected by WHO in victims of the "swine flu" outbreak in Mexico and America so far;

3) Information as to which companies WHO has contracted to provide a swine flu vaccination and under what terms and conditions, including quality assurance, financial terms and conditions;

4) A detailed account of all the safety procedures and independent reviews that WHO has put into place for ensuring any vaccination meets recognised standards of safety and quality;

5) Documents proving that you have the legal authority in the case of a swine flu to declare a pandemic and enforce mass vaccinations for the swine flu on the population in the form of legal memos, rulings etc.

Please send all the above documents as email attachments.

If you miss the Monday deadline, I will argue in my submission to the court that you do not have the documents.

I ask you to make sure you keep a copy of the email to me so that you can prove to a court that you a) had all the requisite authority and documents and b) that you had them at hand and available for public and legal scrutiny at short notice in an emergency situation as is your obligation as a public servant.

I will argue that if you have ordered your WHO officers to man the pandemic control room 24/7 from Friday April 24, as reported in the media, then you have an extra obligation to be on duty yourself this weekend and your failure to be on duty in the event of an emergency you have declared is a violation of the rules of conduct of your office.

As you have sufficient personnel at hand, I will argue, you can delegate this job of collecting the documents and materials I request in 1)-5) to a member of your staff and still be available to follow the "pandemic" which you claim is occurring.

If you send me these documents after the Monday deadline, please make sure to keep a copy of the email so that you can prove in a court of law that you had the necessary authority, and documents proving you had that authority at hand, and could present them speedily as is required of a public servant in such an "emergency".

In case you wish to study the criminal charges I have filed on April 8th and wish to be able to better comprehend the legal basis for the criminal charges that I will file on Monday April the 27th, I attach a copy in German.
I can also suggest my blog where I have published the charges in an English translation, though only the first 20 pages or so have so far been translated.

The introduction on the blog, however, also gives an outline of my evidence and arguments.

I am also copying in below two media reports that give substance to some of the allegations I make in this email, underlining relevant points, including the information indicating this new strain of a swine flu could be a bioweapon "mysteriously" released.

If you have any comments or would like to point out any facts you think are errors please get back to me as soon as possible. I would be happy to answer any questions.

Regards, Jane
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Mexican Swine Flu An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11
By The Earl of Stirling

On 23 rd April 2009 the world began to become aware of a very strange new version of swine flu H1N1 in Mexico with limited cases in Texas and California. By the morning of the 24th of April, we began hear that there were hundreds of sick and 20 or so dead. By late in the day, we have learned that over 1,000 are now reported ill and over 60 are reported dead. There are solid reasons to suspect that this new Mexican Swine Flu is NOT a naturally occurring event but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination DNA genetically engineered virus.

Here is what we know of the virus so far. This virus has already gone international having crossed the border from Mexico to America. All schools in Mexico City have been canceled, millions of students told to stay home due to Mexican Swine Flu. Sick victims of this strange new virus are currently reported in California and Texas. Over 60 deaths reported in Mexico (could be substantially higher considering the state of Mexican health care and reporting).

Young healthy adults seem to be the most at risk. This is similar to the deadest killer flu in history, Spanish Flu in 1918. Most if not all nations with advanced biological warfare programs have been interested in recreating the Spanish Flu DNA sequence and several are reported to have done so.

The new Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA from the following: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu. A strange combination never seen before and having less than 1/10% chance of being a natural event. Human and animal viruses from four or more continents suddenly recombine in a new flu during a non-flu season that spreads from human-to-human with a 10% fatality rating.

Over 1,000 reported infected in Mexico; true rate may be much higher. Mexico City seems to be the epicenter of the new virus. Mexico City has 20 million citizens, most terribly poor. Mexico City is notorious for its poor sanitation and public health. "Don't drink the water" has been the byword in Mexico City for decades. It is the perfect breading ground for an explosive growth of this new killer virus. Mexico City has closed all schools, public gatherings, public buildings. People are wearing medical masks on the streets. The government has announced a massive new emergency swine flu vaccination program that will be, at best, either totally non-effective or of very limited effect, and could be, at worst, a deadly option for patients. It is thought that the authorities are trying to contain public panic by announcing the vaccination program.

Both the World Health Organization and the US CDC (Center for Disease Control) have announced, today/24th April, that they are 'very concerned' about a global pandemic developing out of this new disease. Based on advanced biowargaming projections, it is already too late to stop the global spread of this new killer disease. Based on the three waves of Spanish Flu, the latter ones being more lethal, fatality rates may range from approximately 10% to 40% or so in later waves. More people could die in America, Mexico, Canada, Europe, and globally from Mexican Swine Flu than died in World War II.

This new flu is a lab created advanced biological warfare DNA genetically engineered virus that either: (1) Escaped accidentally from a lab; or (2) was deliberately released by a nation or non-state organization or a well-trained individual.

If there is a positive side to this coming global disaster, it may force governments to quickly come to grips with containing advanced biowar attacks. This is of considerable short term importance as Israel is apt to attack Iran by no later than mid-July 2009. The Iranians, having hired a large number of key ex-Soviet advanced biowar scientists 18 years ago and having spent billions on their asymmetrical MAD (mutually assured destruction) counter-force, are expected to respond to any significant attack on Iran with a biowar attack on Israel, North America, and Europe using in-place agents and dozens of genetically engineered viruses, many with very high projected kill rates.

This event is an advanced biological warfare event. It is far more important than 9/11 and, by itself, could bring deaths in such magnitudes as to exceed the number of deaths from all causes in the Second World War.



Related articles:

OUTBREAK: Pandemic in the making (April 25, 2009)
Canada raises health alarm as Mexico shuts down schools in effort to halt swine flu that has killed 20 people and possibly sickened hundreds more, Caroline Alphonso reports -- TORONTO -- Canada's chief public health officer expressed deep concern about a swine influenza outbreak gripping Mexico and the southwestern United States as health officials around the world went on high alert for a potential global flu pandemic."This is very concerning, clearly. That's why we're all paying attention," David Butler-Jones said yesterday. "What it will lead to is impossible to predict." CLIP

Swine Flu Could Cause Pandemic, WHO Says (April 25, 2009)
The swine flu virus that is responsible for an outbreak in Mexico and has been detected in the southwestern United States has "pandemic potential," a top international health official warned today."It has pandemic potential," Margaret Chan, the director-general of the World Health Organization, told reporters during a telephone briefing. "It is infecting people."Chan held the briefing after cutting short a trip to the United States so she could rush back to the WHO's headquarters in Geneva to convene an emergency meeting of special experts to decide what steps should be taken to contain the virus. It is the first time the committee has been called upon since it was created two years ago to handle disease outbreaks. "The situation is evolving quickly," Chan said. "We do not yet have a complete picture of the epidemiology or the risk, including possible spread beyond the currently affected areas. Nonetheless, in the assessment of WHO this is serious situation that must be watched very carefully." The WHO could recommend declaring an international public health emergency, which could have major global implications on travel and trade. It could also raise its "pandemic alert level," which is currently at level three. That level means very limited spread of virus from person to person."These will be important questions addressed by the advisory committee," she said. Chan noted that no outbreaks have been reported elsewhere, but the agency was advising countries to heighten their efforts to search for any signs the virus was spreading. CLIP

Obama kept up-to-date on Mexico's swine flu (April 24, 2009)
WASHINGTON - The White House says President Barack Obama is being updated about the swine flu outbreak in Mexico. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Friday the Homeland Security Council is monitoring the situation, along with the State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gibbs says Homeland Security Adviser John Brennan is leading the White House's response. Mexican authorities say 60 people may have died from the swine flu virus and world health officials worry it could unleash a global flu epidemic. Gibbs said Obama was not at risk during last week's trip to Mexico.

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Mexico Links Sickness, Deaths to Swine Flu

April 24

Mexico City closed schools across the metropolis of 20 million Friday after at least 16 people died and more than 900 others fall ill from what health officials suspect is a new strain of swine flu. World health officials worried that it could mark the start of a flu pandemic.

The World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland said at least 57 have died in the outbreak, although it wasn't yet clear if this larger number of deaths was due to swine flu.

"We are very, very concerned," said Thomas Abraham, a spokesman for the agency. "We have what appears to be a novel virus and it has spread from human to human." If international spread is confirmed, that meets WHO's criteria for raising the pandemic alert level, he added.

Abraham said WHO on Friday raised their internal alert system, allowing them to divert more money and personnel to dealing with the outbreak. "It's all hands on deck at the moment." Abraham said.

Mexico's Health Secretary, Jose Cordova, said only 16 of the deaths have been confirmed to have been caused by the new strain, through testing at the government's laboratories. Samples from 44 other people who died were still being tested. The health department put the total number of people sickened at around 943 nationwide.

Cordova said samples were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, to determine whether it's the same virus infecting seven people in Texas and California. As of now, tests show the flu is a "new, different strain ... that originally came from pigs."

"We certainly have 60 deaths that we can't be sure are from the same virus, but it is probable," Cordova told MVS radio in Mexico City.

Cordova described a chilling new strain that had killed only people among the normally less-vulnerable young and mid-adult age range. One possibility is that the most vulnerable segments of the population - infants and the aged - had been vaccinated against other strains, and that those vaccines may be providing some protection.

But Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC said "at this point, we do not have any confirmations of swine influenza in Mexico" of the kind that sickened seven California and Texas residents.

All seven U.S. victims recovered from a strain of the flu that combines pig, bird and human viruses in a way that researchers have not seen before.

Cordova also told MVS radio in Mexico City that Mexican health officials can't be sure that the deaths "are from the same virus, but it is probable."
Closing the schools kept 6.1 million students home from day care centers through high schools, and thousands more were affected as colleges and universities closed down. Parents scrambled to juggle work and family concerns due to what local media said was the first citywide schools closure since Mexico City's devastating 1985 earthquake.

Lillian Molina and other teachers at the Montessori's World preschool scrubbed down their empty classrooms with Clorox, soap and Lysol on Friday between fielding calls from worried parents. While the school has had no known cases among its students, Molina supported the government's decision to shutter classes, especially in preschools.

"It's great they are taking precautions," she said. "I think it's a really good idea."

Authorities advised capital residents not to go to work if they felt ill, and to wear surgical masks if they had to move through crowds. A wider shutdown - perhaps including shutting down government offices - was being considered.

"It is very likely that classes will be suspended for several days," Cordova said. "We will have to evaluate, and let's hope this doesn't happen, the need to restrict activity at workplaces."

Still, U.S. health officials said it's not yet a reason for alarm in the United States. The five in California and two in Texas have all recovered, and testing indicates some common antiviral medications seem to work against the virus.

Schuchat of the CDC said officials believe the new strain can spread human-to-human, which is unusual for a swine flu virus. The CDC is checking people who have been in contact with the seven confirmed U.S. cases, who all became ill between late March and mid-April.

The U.S. cases are a growing medical mystery because it's unclear how they caught the virus. The CDC said none of the seven people were in contact with pigs, which is how people usually catch swine flu. And only a few were in contact with each other.

CDC officials described the virus as having a unique combination of gene segments not seen in people or pigs before. The bug contains human virus, avian virus from North America and pig viruses from North America, Europe and Asia.

Health officials have seen mixes of bird, pig and human virus before, but never such an intercontinental combination with more than one pig virus in the mix.

Scientists keep a close eye on flu viruses that emerge from pigs. The animals are considered particularly susceptible to both avian and human viruses and a likely place where the kind of genetic reassortment can take place that might lead to a new form of pandemic flu, said Dr. John Treanor, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

The virus may be something completely new, or it may have been around for a while but was only detected now because of improved lab testing and disease surveillance, CDC officials said.

The virus was first detected in two children in southern California - a 10-year-old boy in San Diego County and a 9-year-old girl in neighboring Imperial County.

It's not known if anyone is getting sick from the virus right now, CDC officials said.
It's also not known if the seasonal flu vaccine that Americans got last fall and early this year protects against this type of virus. People should wash their hands and take other customary precautions, CDC officials said.

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By Archie Kalokerinos M.D.

In 1976 I was working in the far north of Australia amongst Aborigines. I observed, in one community of only a few hundred people, when they were given the flu vaccine (probably the Victorian strain but this detail does not really matter because nobody outside a few selected individuals really knows what is in any particular batch), six men died suddenly soon afterwards. They were not all 'old'. One was in his early twenties. A few weeks later, in another community I found that individuals with heart or potential heart problems or diabetes were particularly likely to drop dead soon after being given the vaccine.

Obviously, there was a problem with some batches of the flu vaccine.

A few months later I was in America. President Ford had been told by his health advisers that there was going to be a huge epidemic of 'swine flu', that this could kill may thousands and the only way to prevent this catastrophe was to vaccinate the entire population of America - every man woman and child - with a specific vaccine.

So the vaccine was manufactured and the biggest vaccination campaign in history was begun. I was concerned because the vaccine could not be properly tested in a short period. None of the recipients would know anything about what they were being injected with and the chances were that many would die suddenly. Furthermore, it was extremely unlikely that an epidemic of swine flu would occur. So I spoke out. At first the newspapers got hold of what I said and headlined, 'Australian Physician Call It Mass Murder'. Then I appeared on Kathy Crosby's television program.

Watching that was a man in New York who did not like a gentleman named Gambino the Mafia boss. Gambino was about 70 years old and had a history of heart problems. It was a simple matter to get someone to persuade Gambino to have the flu shot and Gambino obliged by dropping dead. The newspapers got it right when they stated, 'Mafia Flu Jab Conspiracy'.

People were dropping dead in the buildings where they received their shots. Others became paralyzed. The whole program ground to a halt.

President Ford decided to settle the matter quickly. In front of the whole world, on television, he rolled up his sleeve and 'had his shot'. I claimed at the time that he was given a 'dud' shot and I am certain that this was actually done. Then President Ford invited all the news media men and women who were milling around to line up and have their shots. Only one man volunteered and he happened to be the White House press secretary. All the others refused the invitation.

There was not a single case of swine flu. There never was going to be an epidemic of swine flu. How was it that the world's most powerful man with the world's greatest department of health got it all so wrong? No one really knows the answer but what ever it is it is certainly not clean and tidy.

Furthermore, as far as I know I was the only practicing doctor who spoke out against it and warned about almost certain consequences. How was it that a doctor with only basic qualifications and not even the possessor of American citizenship stood out alone? There was at least one researcher, Anthony Morris, who did try to speak out but he was at the time censored and censored very hard.
This, therefore, is a classical example of how only one man got it right and everyone else got it wrong. This is an important consideration because, when the subject of vaccines is discussed the fact that the vast bulk of the medical establishment states that something is so it is not, in reality, necessarily so. If the establishment can get something so vast and important as the swine fiu vaccine campaign so wrong then it is logical to reason that they could also get a lot of other things wrong. At least it gives reasons to doubt what the establishment claims to be fact. If doctors and members of the general public considered this fewer errors would be made and fewer individuals would suffer unnecessarily.

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