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Monday, July 21, 2008

Festival de la Toltekidad!

Obama's message to Latinos

July 20, 2008

Barack Obama is looking for a way to convince Latino voters that he is simpatico. He may have found it thanks to the cover of The New Yorker.

During the primaries, Obama tried to equate civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and United Farm Workers President Cesar Chavez. Then, in a recent speech to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, Obama insisted that he had worked with local Latino leaders as a young civil rights attorney in Chicago and argued that, in a weak economy, “few have been hit harder than Latinos and African-Americans.” Finally, while speaking to the National Council of La Raza here last week, Obama talked about how many in the Latino community came here “with so little but . . . a thirst to succeed” and said it reminded him of what brought his father here from Kenya “in the hope that, in America, you can make it if you try.”

But what Obama really needs to do is to connect with Latino voters on a more personal level by convincing them that he empathizes with their experience. And, thanks to The New Yorker, he has the means to do so. So what if the magazine's defenders claim that the cover is satire? Depicting Obama as a Muslim and his wife, Michelle, as a machine gun-toting black militant – with a picture of Osama bin Laden hanging over the fireplace, while an American flag burns in it – is more slanderous than satirical. The caricature is not really about race, but patriotism. The subtext is that the Obamas are a couple of flag pins short of being real, full-blooded, God-fearing Americans.

Now, where have we heard that before? You got it. In the throes of the immigration debate, it is U.S.-born Latinos who are often hit with the accusation that they are “Americans in name only.” Mexican-Americans, in particular, are routinely accused of having divided loyalties and having left their hearts south of the border. And that's strange given that many of them were born in the United States and so were their parents.

This kind of ethnic McCarthyism gets old. And it must get downright infuriating for those Latino veterans who risked their lives to serve their country, and perhaps gave up limbs or lost friends, only to have racists and xenophobes – including some who never served in uniform or sacrificed for freedom – accuse them of being a lesser-grade American.

It's an accusation that is familiar to Enrique Morones. The San Diego-based immigration activist found himself center-stage at the NCLR conference. Morones was part of a group of about 15 people who met with Obama before the presumptive Democratic nominee arrived at the podium and one of the few mentioned by the candidate in his speech. The next day, Morones found himself face to face with John McCain during the question-and-answer session that followed the presumptive Republican nominee's remarks to the organization. When an NCLR official tried to cut off questioning before Morones could ask his question, McCain interceded and actually pitched his microphone to Morones so the activist could fire away.

Morones told me that he prefers Obama, in part because he doesn't trust McCain to fight for comprehensive immigration reform. He also thinks that, as someone with a diverse background, Obama “represents the future of this country.”

I asked Morones – who was born in the United States – if the Democrat has, whether he realizes it or not, a kinship with Latinos because both are used to having their Americanness questioned.

“Absolutely,” he said. “Barack understands what it is like to be a person of color. He understands what it is like to be discriminated against because his family is from another land. He understands the racist taunts. Just like we do.”

Morones noted that some Latinos are fourth-or fifth-generation Americans, and yet people assume they just got here and have no real loyalty to the United States.

It's a story that Barack Obama knows all too well.

“He's facing it,” Morones said. “Just like we're facing it. So he knows. So when Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly talk about that stuff, he knows what it feels like because he has lived it, too.”

That's the message Barack Obama should spread to Latino voters every chance he gets. In the present climate, he might be surprised at just how effective it could be.



"Vel itech peuhtica, vel itech quiztica in Quetzalcoatl in ixquich in Toltecayotl, in nemachtilli."

"En verdad con él se inició, en verdad de él proviene, de Quetzalcóatl, toda la Toltecayotl, el saber…"

El arte se dio cita en Pozos, Gto.

Un gran esfuerzo llevaron a cabo Luis Cruz y Ernesto Tovar, en la planeación, organización y desarrollo del Festival de la Toltequidad 2008, en el singular Pueblo de Pozos, Gto.
Luis Cruz tocando uno de sus tambores, hermoso trabajo de la madera.
Artistas y artesanos, provenientes de muy diversos sitios, compartieron su arte con gran número de personas, en especial gente joven que acudió al evento.
Ernesto Tovar, danzando con el Grupo Chichimeca Jonas.
Iniciamos con el Saludo a las Direcciones del Universo, solicitando la licencia para el evento, la guía y protección de las Fuerzas Espirituales y de los Ancestros. La comunidad presente se integro al Ritual, incluidas las autoridades del Municipio ahí presentes.

Fue así como se inicio el festival de la Toltequidad, entre tambores, entre música, entre colores y luces, que convocaron a la unidad en la diversidad a través del arte, a través del compartir con tolerancia, a través del calor humano, que nos hizo olvidar el intenso clima frío que se manifiesta en Pozos.

La música prehispánica ocupa un lugar sobresaliente en este festival, los versátiles instrumentos musicales afloran por doquier. El trabajo de la madera del teponaztle y el huehuetl, el decorado de las trompetas mayas, la infinidad de instrumentos de viento, la gran variedad de elementos que conforman este acervo de la cultura musical del México Antiguo es maravilloso.
Fue así como la comunidad disfruto de diversas manifestaciones musicales. Yo presencie directamente lo relativo al tema prehispánico y de fusión, como el grupo Teckpakuikatl, de Pozos, Gto., integrado por una familia dedicada al tema musical. Antiguos amigos que mucho han evolucionado y hacen un hermoso trabajo.
Maestro Agustin Pimentel, del Grupo Tribu.

El grupo Tribu, realmente dio una cátedra de lo que es ser un buen Músico, profesional, dedicado, apasionado, obrando como Tolteca. Su presentación fue excelente, realmente excepcional. En la primera parte emplearon exclusivamente instrumentos prehispánicos, realmente hicieron vibrar los corazones de todos los presentes. En la segunda parte se integraron sus jóvenes y adolescentes hijos, interpretando entre todos música de fusión. Realmente lograron conectarnos con "otra realidad", viajamos a través de cada una de las notas musicales. Bella y profesional presentación. Respeto, cariño y admiración para el grupo Tribu, era el sentir de los presentes.

El grupo Piedra del Sol, de la Cañada, Qro., que combina sus interpretaciones musicales con coreografía de danza prehispánica, prendió a los espectadores con su ritmo y fuerza guerrera.

El último día la Danza Chichimeca Jonas, los Guerreros acompañados de varios tambores e instrumentos de viento, danzaron haciendo ver como es posible combinar el arte con la fuerza guerrera, transmitiéndonos una imagen de valor, pasión, coordinación y armonía.
Chichimeca Jonas.

Fueron diversas las actividades y talleres, exposiciones de fotografía, pintura; múltiples expresiones musicales espontaneas, el deseo de expresarse musicalmente vibraba por doquier.

Hermanas y hermanos, comadres y compadres de las diversas Tradiciones de México se hicieron presentes, pudimos saludarnos, alegrar el ser con el compartir nuestras historias, con el saber los unos de los otros.

Dimos gracias a las Direcciones del Universo por todas la bendiciones recibidas, haciendo votos porque la humanidad florezca, porque la semilla del arte germine en todos los corazones, porque el ser humano tome el camino de la fraternidad y pronto puedan cosecharse nuevas flores y frutos a través del arte y la armonía, porque podamos coexistir en paz todos los reinos de la naturaleza, porque continúe la Toltecayotl, porque siga fluyendo en Pozos, Gto.
"Mis flores, mis cantos llevo a cuestas, los pongo ante el rostro de la gente..."
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Julio 25 Temazcal a las 20 hrs. Cierre del Año Maya Ix.
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