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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Voto Latino y las mujeres, hacen la diferencia!

With 74 percent of caucuses reporting, CNN has called Nevada por Hillary:

Clinton 51%
Obama 45%
Edwards 4%

According to the entrance polls, the vote was very much divided by race:

Whites: Clinton 52%, Obama 34%
African Americans: Clinton 14%, Obama 83%
Latinos: Clinton 64%, Obama 26%

And by gender, but to a lesser degree:

Men: Clinton 43%, Obama 45%
Women: Clinton 51%, Obama 38%

We also saw a similar split by age, with Clinton winning voters over 45 by a healthy margin and Obama winning by a similar margin among younger voters.

The polls were off again -- the one conducted by Zogby for Reuters and C-Span came closest; others weren't even in the right neighborhood. I wonder if we're at the end of an era in terms of political polling.

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